Started by Hershey, June 05, 2006, 01:52 AM

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I have a program that is compiled with Abacus 128 compiler and  I would like to convert  it back into basic for editing. Any one have any decompilers that might work.


Dont have a decompiler, but do you think you could upload the compiler? Ive been trying to unlynx my copy of Blitz128 without success to upload to the board here.

Stephane Richard

Hmm anything happened with this? if it's possible, I'd be curious to have Blitz 128 as well.

Thank you.
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!


Andrew Wiskow

After posting a message on the Homestead list asking if anyone has a copy of the Blitz! 128 compiler, I received a couple responses where people sent me a file called blitz128.lnx that they said they had downloaded from an FTP site.  After looking at the header on the file, I discovered it was linked with Lynx V.  That's probably why xlar54 wasn't able to de-lynx it, since earlier versions of Lynx made files that could only be de-lynxed with the same version.  I have a complete collection of Lynx versions written by Will Corley on my BBS, so I used Lynx V to de-lynx this.  Anyway... after all that, I ran the program, only to find out that it wasn't Blitz! 128 at all, but a knock-off called SM Compiler 128.  Oh well, back to the drawing board...  :/

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


Quote from: wiskowAnyway... after all that, I ran the program, only to find out that it wasn't Blitz! 128 at all, but a knock-off called SM Compiler 128.  Oh well, back to the drawing board...  :/
Is this SM Compiler any good? I'm guessing probably not if it has to masquerade as another compiler. :D


I'm still looking for the Abacus BASIC-128 compiler. It has a few quirks, as they all do, but I remember it as being one of the best at the time. I'd love to have a copy.

There are even rumors it would handle BASIC-8 code, though I doubt it myself. But since I plugged in my BASIC-8 ROM and 64K VDC upgrade board a few days ago, that would be sweet.

Of course, I'd settle for Blitz-128 if anyone can dig up a copy. :)

BTW, does anyone have a copy of PETSPEED 128?
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Quote from: airshipI'm still looking for the Abacus BASIC-128 compiler.
I have the Abacus Basic-128 Compiler.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group


And...?  ;)

Can you make it available?
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Talked to my buddy Jim Oldfield at Abacus this afternoon. He's going to check the warehouse and see if there are any old CBM books and/or software left back there. They honestly don't know if they have anything or not! He DID tell me it wasn't likely, but I'll let you know what he says. If there is, he hinted that it's likely you'll see an influx of it on eBay eventually.
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While you're at it, would you mind asking him why they keep ignoring my emails asking for permission or denial to scan some or all of the long out of print Commodore-related Abacus books? Even if it's to tell me no, I'd still appreciate an answer.


I'll ask Jim. But the answer will probably be that they don't own the rights. A LOT of their books were English translations of books from Data Becker in Germany. All they had were the US publication rights.
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Ah, I see. Well, that kinda explains why they never wrote me back, since I was addressing the wrong company. :)


I talked to Jim at Abacus this morning and he confirmed the following:

(1) There are no Commodore-related books or software packages left hiding in the Abacus warehouse. Jim says he wishes there were, considering the prices some of them bring on eBay. :)

(2) They do not have the rights to the Data Becker titles, so they can't give permission for them to be scanned and posted online. However, Data Becker is still in business in Germany, and Jim confirms that Abacus sent them complete copies of their English translations. So you might be able to talk to Data Becker about it. Their web site is here: http://www.databecker.com/startseite.html but it's non-English. Any German members want to help with this?

(3) He is sorting through his EXTENSIVE personal collection of Commodore stuff and will be sending me a box 'whenever he gets around to it'. He says it already includes a pretty complete set of the old PET Papers, which I will, in turn, eventually scan and get online. I'm sure there will be some other gems in there, as well.
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Quote from: me on August 22, 2007, 08:39 AMI have the Abacus Basic-128 Compiler.
Yay!  I found the Abacus Basic 128 compiler.  Strangely, it was with the Basic 64 compiler.  ;)  All was hidden underneath GEOS and Wheels software.  Now I can make a .d64 of it and upload it.  Who wants to host it?

              Robert Bernardo
              Fresno Commodore User Group
              July 25-26 Commodore Vegas Expo - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex


Quote from: RobertB on June 11, 2009, 04:38 PM
Quote from: me on August 22, 2007, 08:39 AMI have the Abacus Basic-128 Compiler.
Yay!  I found the Abacus Basic 128 compiler.  Strangely, it was with the Basic 64 compiler.  ;)  All was hidden underneath GEOS and Wheels software.  Now I can make a .d64 of it and upload it.  Who wants to host it?

              Robert Bernardo
              Fresno Commodore User Group
              July 25-26 Commodore Vegas Expo - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex




airship longer time ago wrote: "There are even rumors it would handle BASIC-8 code, though I doubt it myself. But since I plugged in my BASIC-8 ROM and 64K VDC upgrade board a few days ago, that would be sweet."
But, Imust say that this myth is not real. Today I tried more time, with any disks and BASIC8 and and...
(I want to write: If can be...,...!

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!



BASIC 8 can be compiled with Basic 128 compiler.  One just needs to add the extra functions and where they are in memory.  Basic 128 has this ability--I don't know if anyone really went to those lengths to map everything out and pluyg that into the BASIC 128 compiler BASIC extension function.  It's a huge undertaking.  But it's workable.

There's a BASIC 7 compiler that I've never ever seen roaming in the wild and that's: gnome 128 compiler.  It's supposed to be pretty slick.



Quote from: cbmguy on July 10, 2009, 12:40 AMBASIC 8 can be compiled with Basic 128 compiler.  One just needs to add the extra functions and where they are in memory.  Basic 128 has this ability--I don't know if anyone really went to those lengths to map everything out and pluyg that into the BASIC 128 compiler BASIC extension function.  It's a huge undertaking.
And that's the problem.  It's a huge undertaking, i.e., it's not simple.
QuoteThere's a BASIC 7 compiler that I've never ever seen roaming in the wild and that's: gnome 128 compiler.  It's supposed to be pretty slick.
I have Gnome 128 somewhere in the pile of disks.  When I first received it, I thought, "Great!  Another C128 Basic compiler."  However, after trying it out, I found Basic 128 to be better.  From the cobwebby memories of the 1980's, one of the C= magazines rated compilers.  Basic 128 was  was more tolerant of user's coding than Gnome 128 and compiled code that ran faster.

             Robert Bernardo
             Fresno Commodore User Group
             July 25-26 Commodore Vegas Expo - http://www.portcommodore.com/commvex