Burst IEC

Started by Doppie1200, June 22, 2007, 04:29 AM

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Hi all,

My first post on this forum! I thought the C128 was rare enough these days, so to see a dedicated forum is great!

Ok the business; does anyone have documentation on the burst IEC protocol. I would like to know exactly how it works.
Currently I'm implementing the IEC in C64 style in software on a 6502 based homebrewn diskdrive (more on that later on in case someone is interested). But since I'm testing the lot on a 128DCR I thought why not investigate my options on burst mode.

So if anyone can get me going please do.



Stephane Richard

Here's a few links (some with code) to get you started.

First some reference for most Commodore drives:

there's probably some related references here as well:

Next some same assembly routines for the 64 (should work in the c128 I would think:

The article from c-hacking (http://www.ffd2.com/fridge/chacking/c=hacking) in issue 3 has a section devoting to bursting your 128  specifically, here:

This should be good to get you going :-)  

Hope it helps.
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!
