Cnet 128

Started by swordfish1030, September 21, 2007, 03:30 PM

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Anyone have access to a copy of CNET BBS for the 128?

Golan Klinger

It's in Bo Zimmerman's BBS program archive and you can download it directly by clicking here.
Call me Golan; my parents did.


Thank You!!! I use to run a Cnet BBs in Green Bay, WI many years ago. I had a number of self made Doors for it. I am getting back into the commodore 128 world and wanted to look back into this for fun. I had a Huge adventure board back in the day.

Golan Klinger

My pleasure. If you're thinking about putting your BBS back online, you might find the TelBBS forum of interest. One other thing. If you're free on September 29th, don't mind a drive to Chicago and want to have a crazy amount of fun, check out the Emergency Chicagoland Commodore Convention. You won't regret it.
Call me Golan; my parents did.


Wish I could get one of the newer versions of Super Snapshot from there... I won't be able to attend :(

I also want Jiffy Dos C128 and 2 for the 1571... ( one for a 1541 II would be nice too ) Ahh well....

Golan Klinger

The guy that owns the rights to the Super Snapshot (currently at v5.22) will be there and selling product. As for JiffyDOS, do you have access to an EPROM burner? I can provide you with the ROM images. If not, maybe I can hook some EPROMs up for you.
Call me Golan; my parents did.


I do not have access to an EPROM burner, nor to the proper EPROMs.. I wish I could find one..

I did find a guy on ebay who always seems to have "newer used Jiffy Dos" he has a great seller rating to boot. I am sure this is what he is doing too.


Turns out he doesn't have Jiffy Dos for the 128, just the drives =o(  now I need to find it for the 128

Golan Klinger

Did you buy and if so, how much? For the EPROMs, I wouldn't pay more than about $10 each and if it comes with a board and an enable/disable switch, that's worth more (obviously.)
Call me Golan; my parents did.


I have a set for the C128. I think it's V6.01. PM me and we'll work something out.



yes he wants 9.99 a piece for Jiffy Dos for the 1571's ( he is giving free shipping ) no big deal because through the USPS it
would be about $1.00

Golan Klinger

Yeah, that's reasonable. It's nice to know there are people out there who aren't profiteering. Out of curiosity, is the seller's name "eslapion"? If so you won't have any problems. He's trustworthy.
Call me Golan; my parents did.