C128DCR Jiffydos Eprom Specific NFO Needed.Searched,Found Reg 128 NFO

Started by skideric, October 29, 2007, 04:21 AM

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Just wanting to know specific/proper way to combine Jiffydos & Basic,Etc, to be burned tp Eprom.
And if anyone knows where to locate 128DCR Jiffydos version .I have 1571D Jiffydos file.But only the Regular 128 Jiffydos rom. Any help appreciated!
Thanks! for a Great Forum.

Mark Smith

Hi there,

Dead easy really if you have images of the ROMS ... get the JiffyDOS version and the original version in the same folder of windows (say C:\JiffyDOS), open up a command prompt, and go to that folder and do the following command "copy jiffydosrom.bin /b + originalrom.bin /b combined.rom /b"

All that does is combine both files together into "combined.rom", the "/b" makes sure it uses binary mode to do it (DOS being stupid at times we just make sure :-)

Then you find an EPROM big enough .. a 27C256 I think .. and burn that combined ROM into it, the lower 16K would be JiffyDOS, the upper would be the original ... then you have to attack the EPROM with a soldering iron so you can select banks with a switch .. this bit I'm not so good at, as in I've not got around to trying it yet as I've found 3 different ways to do it and don't want to accidently blow my C128 up :-), someone else should be able to fill in the blanks for that bit (and post good instructions with photos please :-)



Commodore 128, 512K 1750 REU, 1581, 1571, 1541-II, MMC64 + MP3@64, Retro-Replay + RR-Net and a 1541 Ultimate with 16MB REU, IDE64 v4.1 + 4GB CF :-)


Sure you are talking about C128DCR Version? The DCR has C64 Kernal,C128 Kernal & Maybe Z80 Bios in one Chip.
The Orig 128 & 128D (Portable) uses Two chips. Anyways thanks for Post!

Mark Smith

It would be the same process .. except that maybe instead of a 27C256 EPROM you'd need a 27C512 .. not looked at how big those images are .. do you have them ?  If you do how many kilobytes each are they ?


Commodore 128, 512K 1750 REU, 1581, 1571, 1541-II, MMC64 + MP3@64, Retro-Replay + RR-Net and a 1541 Ultimate with 16MB REU, IDE64 v4.1 + 4GB CF :-)