Complete (?) list of commercial games

Started by Korodny, September 24, 2007, 11:28 AM

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Quite a while ago, I started assembling a list of commercial games for the C128. Inspired by the thread in the "misc software" board, I thought it's about time to post it and ask for feedback.

I'm pretty sure I missed some titles, perhaps somebody can confirm some of the "unconfirmed" entries?

QuoteCommercial games (80 columns)

A Mind Forever Voyaging (Infocom)
  - text adventure, C128 only
Beyond Zork (Infocom)
  - text adventure, C128 only
Border Zone (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode
Bureaucracy (Infocom)
  - text adventure, C128 only
Hitch Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy, The (Solid Gold) (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode
Leather Goddesses of Phobos (Solid Gold) (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode
Nord and Bert Couldn't Make Head Nor Tail Of It (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 (80 column) mode
Pawn, The (Magenetic Scrolls/Rainbird)
  - text/graphics adventure
  - "The 128 version runs in native 128 mode, has better graphics, and a choice
    of 40- or 80-column display" (Commodore Magazine - July 1987, page 4)
Planetfall (Solid Gold) (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode
Schwert Ska, Das (German) (Markt&Technik)
  - text/graphics adventure
  - uses 80 column screen for text, 40 column screen for graphics
Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode
Trinity (Infocom)
  - text adventure, C128 only
Wishbringer (Solid Gold) (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode
Zork I (Solid Gold) (Infocom)
  - text adventure, runs in both C64 and C128 mode


unknown_submarine_game (???)
  - "There was a Submarine sim advertised in Compute!'s Gazette and Run for
    80 column mode (C128 only)"

Commercial games (40 columns)

Kikstart II (Mastertronic)
  - new tracks (more than C64 version), extra course features, new hazards
    and a record table for each track
Last V8 128, The (Mastertronic)
  - containing an extra level and more digitised speech than the C64 version
Mygly 128 (???)
  - Pac-Man clone
  - used copy for sale at:
Rocky Horror Picture Show 128 (CRL)
  - more locations, better graphics and a few extra problems to overcome
Stratton 128 (CRL)
  - more screens and more graphics than C64 version (Retro Gamer, issue 15)
  - mentioned in Zzap 28, p. 107
Thai Boxing 128 (Anco)
  - ???
Ultima V (Origin)
  - start the C64 version in C128 mode to get ingame music


BMX Simulator 128 (???)
Borrowed Time (Interplay/Activision)
Echelon (Access Software)
Ferrari Formula One (Electronic Arts)
  - The original of Electronic Arts 'Ferrari Formula One' works both in C128 and
    C64 mode. If you play it in C128 mode you can make it run a little bit
    faster than in C64 mode by pressing F1. This is the only difference between
    them though, If I rememeber correctly.
Gato (Spectrum Holobyte)
  - announced in 64er SH 1/86, p. 123
Great War, The (Free Spirit Software)
Mr. Quizzer (Free Spirit Software)
Old Scores (Global Software)
  - graphics adventure, onscreen map on C128
Tau Ceti (CRL)
Three Musketeers, The (Computer Novels?)
Graham Gooch's Test Cricket (Audiogenic)
  - "Test Cricket" (
  - "Grahams Gooch´s Cricket 128" (
Thunderchopper (ActionSoft)
  - "a chopper sim, can't remember the name"
Transylvania (Penguin Software Inc)
Up Periscope! (Actionsoft)
Wheel & Deal 128 (Free Spirit Software)

Budget games

Bundesliga (German) (Softwarevertrieb Scheiba)
  - mentioned in 64'er 10/1987
Cloneimals (
  - 80 column horizontally scrolling Shoot'em Up
  - distributed throught the internet/ (
Hacker 128 (German) (Softwarevertrieb Scheiba)
  - mentioned in 64'er 10/1987
Krimistunde (German) (Softwarevertrieb Scheiba)
  - mentioned in 64'er 10/1987
Maidstone Quest (SilvaSoft)
  - "This exciting 80 column animated adventure game has 28 levels to search for
    clues and weapons you need to destroy Ganef and recover the Maidstone. Made
    by Silvasoft. Requires 64k vdc 1571 or a 128D (1571 built in), 80 column rgb
  - "Maidstone Quest is a BASIC 8 game" (
Space Connection (Crown-Soft)
  - advertised in 64er 12/87, p. 15
Space Pirates 128 (Micro Designs)
  - 40 column space opera written in Basic 7.0
  - distributed through
Starship Battles 128 (Micro Designs)
  - 40 column turn based strategy written in Basic 7.0
  - distributed through
Vagabunden (German) (Crown-Soft)
  - ?? column graphic adventure
  - advertised in 64er 11/87, p. 91
Vegas (German) (Softwarevertrieb Scheiba)
  - mentioned in 64'er 10/1987
Wall Street (German) (Softwarevertrieb Scheiba)
  - mentioned in 64'er 10/1987

C64 games that utilise the C128

Alleykat (Hewson)
  - adds more sprites to the Katerkillar
  - more bullets on screen
  - more effects on the title screen
Baccy's Night Demo (Freeware)
  - first person shooter
  - docs: 22% speed increase
Elite 128 (FireBird, hacked)
  - hacked and improved version of the 1985 original
  - manual: 22% speed increase
Flight Simulator II (SubLogic)
  - requires a patch published by "Commodore Disk User Magazine"
  - patch allows you to switch between normal and fast mode, which
    increases the frame rate by 20% to 25%
Gunship (Microprose)
  - manual: boots in C128 mode
  - manual: speed increase
Heavy Metal Paradroid (Hewson)
  - smoother scrolling at (perhaps?) 50 hz
MOOD Preview (Freeware)
  - first person shooter
  - 22% speed increase
Morpheus (Graftgold)
  - manual: "15% more Morphai at no extra cost"
Project Stealth Fighter (MicroProse)
  - "improved graphic speed and smoothness when run on a c128" (Retro Gamer,
    issue 15)
Stealth Mission (SubLogic)
  - "improved graphic speed and smoothness when run on a c128" (Retro Gamer,
    issue 15)
Test Drive II (Accolade)
  - "uses vertical blanking to display its filled 3d graphics" (Retro Gamer,
    issue 15)
Thrust Gold (Firebird, hacked)
  - hacked version
  - unknown improvements
Uridium+ (GraftGold/Hewson)
  - "Uridium Plus looks almost totally identical when running on a C64 or a C128
    in C64 mode (it isn't a native C128 program) and, if memory serves, the only
    differences are a slight increase in the number of player bullets and a
    marginally faster top speed for the Manta. When the game first starts it
    works out what machine it's talking to and the titles page will change to
    say it's a C128 at 2MHz.")
  - 1) memory location $8d controls number of stationary background stars below
    mothership - there are 9 normally, 14 if if PAL C128. Note that stars above/
    below actual play area are free so they aren't included in that count.
    2) memory location $ee contains $0b instead of $05. $ee controls number of
    player bullets. "> ee 0f" gives you maximum firepower. Funny to see that
    game is made easier on C128 :D


Battle Chess (Electronic Arts)
Chuck Yeager (Electronic Arts)
  - speed increase
Intensity (Graftgold/Firebird)
  - ("All of Andrew Braybrook's C64 titles from Alleykat onwards support 2MHz from C64 mode")
Red Storm Rising (Microprose)
Sim City (Infogrames)
Wizardry 1,2,3,5 (Sir-Tech Software, Inc.)
  - (1-3 too old for C128 support?)



I would be skeptical of a lot of the games on your list.  I have found while researching for my "Commercial c128 list" that there are quite a few announcements that were made in the magazines at the release of the C-128 about programs that were "coming soon", but in fact never saw the light of day.  Some of these include a 128 version of "Echelon" by Access, "The Scoop" by Telarium and "Kings Quest" by Sierra..I found references to all three of these games for the C128 in magazines, but have never found ANY proof of their existance.




Quote from: DouglasHello!

I would be skeptical of a lot of the games on your list.  I have found while researching for my "Commercial c128 list" that there are quite a few announcements that were made in the magazines at the release of the C-128 about programs that were "coming soon", but in fact never saw the light of day.  Some of these include a 128 version of "Echelon" by Access, "The Scoop" by Telarium and "Kings Quest" by Sierra..I found references to all three of these games for the C128 in magazines, but have never found ANY proof of their existance.


I can feel a "Games That Weren't" for the C128.....


Indeed. We listed quite a few in INFO as 'coming soon' that never made it. The problem was the installed base of C128s never materialized due to two factors: the continued dominance of the low end by the C64, and the transition to the Amiga on the high end. The C128 just became unattractive to developers.
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