What to do with .....

Started by Blacklord, October 02, 2007, 07:10 PM

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As a news site only, it was consuming rather large chunks of my time.

So, over to the community - some suggestions please as to what to use it for ?


I was hoping you had a lot of that stuff automated.  If you are doing it by hand then I can imagine it would be a horrible time sink.

Would you be amenable to the idea of delegating some of those updates to some of the members of the community?


Quote from: plbyrdI was hoping you had a lot of that stuff automated.  If you are doing it by hand then I can imagine it would be a horrible time sink.

Would you be amenable to the idea of delegating some of those updates to some of the members of the community?
I'm having all sorts of issues with my hosting companies SQL at the mo (as a result I've taken it down while I try & resolve this).

I'd possibly like to move the focus over to something like a hosting site for scanned magazines or something.




I'd love to see more magazines scanned. Lots of them come up on eBay, but even though they usually sell pretty cheap, I don't have the cash to have them shipped here. Plus where would I put them all? Information in books is easy to come by, but information in magazines is unevenly distributed and hard to come by.

I love atarimagazines.com, even though the name makes me gag and all they've really got are Creative Computing and the COMPUTE! magazine line. Program listings and  figures are also often missing from their pages. Craig Bruce's Transactor archive is invaluable, even though they exist only as scans and not searchable text documents.

I would love to see INFO preserved, of course. But though I've got two full sets, I just don't have the time to do all that scanning! Plus to get page scans into proper shape for decent OCR, you always need to do some manual cleanup.

Without the OCR, or at least someone hand-indexing everything, it's hard to find what you're looking for. And it makes it less likely that you'll find that wonderful information you didn't even know existed!
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Well, if anyone wants anything hosted, I'll open the site to them (as long as it's Commodore related of course). Maybe build a proper Wiki ?


One thing we talked about on another thread was using the 'C128 Specific Products List' as a kind of index for a Wiki that would provide more info on those products - descriptions, prices, publisher/manufacturer, reviews, links to product-related sites, etc.

Now that would be cool.
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
History of INFO Magazine


Quote from: airshipOne thing we talked about on another thread was using the 'C128 Specific Products List' as a kind of index for a Wiki that would provide more info on those products - descriptions, prices, publisher/manufacturer, reviews, links to product-related sites, etc.

Now that would be cool.
That has possibilities - cover scans etc ?

How do people feel about MediaWiki ? Or is that over the top for what we need ?




Actually a Wiki based around the product list seems a good idea - maybe expanding it to a 'canonical' 128 list (include hardware as well).

I think MediaWiki might be overkill though, can we get some suggestions for this ?



Quote from: adminActually a Wiki based around the product list seems a good idea - maybe expanding it to a 'canonical' 128 list (include hardware as well).
Actually, if you're going to do a wiki anyway - why not establish a *generic* C128 wiki covering *all* C128  topics?

Thinking about it, the whole commodore128.org site could be turned into a wiki (plus the forum and a download area).

Btw.: I'm not sure if "yourcommodore.com" would be a proper URL for a C128 wiki ;)

QuoteI think MediaWiki might be overkill though, can we get some suggestions for this ?
We're using MediaWiki for Aminet's wiki and I love it. It might be a bit more ressource hungry than other solutions, but from a user's point of view it rocks.


Quote from: KorodnyWe're using MediaWiki for Aminet's wiki and I love it. It might be a bit more ressource hungry than other solutions, but from a user's point of view it rocks.
MediaWiki is a big application for one person to administer though (my main issue with it).

It'd need to be administered by several people.....



Here's a proposed (rough) layout for a category structure for the Wiki. Okay, discuss. :)

C128 Wiki
   Mailing Lists
   User Groups
   Software Archives
   Documentation Archives
      C128 Software
      C128 Hardware
      C128 Books
      Incompatible Software
      Incompatible Hardware
   Cross Development
   File Transfer
      Star commander
   Other CBM
      IEEE Floppy Drives
      IEEE Hard Drives
      Other CBM
         Plus/4 & C16
   Current Commercial
         Floppy Drives
         Hard Disks
         Printer Interfaces
   Abandonware Peripherals
         Floppy Drives
         Hard Disks
         Printer Interfaces
   Hacks (Peripheral Modification/Enhancement)
            Floppy Drives
            Hard Disks
            Printer Interfaces
   Homebrew (EXpansion & Invention)
         User Port
         Expansion Port
         Cassette Port
         IEC Serial
   Current Commercial
   Abandonware Commercial
Commodore 64 Resources
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
History of INFO Magazine


That's a pretty darn good list.