Sound coding competition entry

Started by Blacklord, July 30, 2006, 06:29 PM

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Paul Rozenweig has posted the first entry for the sound competition, he writes :

Attached : Please find my BASIC program file entry in the SID
competition.  I stumbled onto this sound by accident by screwing
around with the SID parameters of the COMPUTE GAZETTE gong,
also included in the program.  Also included in the program are
the Commodore bell and a 4th sound of uncertain origin.  For
generation of sound, I used direct POKEs to the SID registers
rather than the new sound commands of C128 BASIC.  I am unable to
figure out how to use the BASIC 7 command set to activate a second
SID chip either in a SYMPHONY cartridge or directly installed
inside a C128.  My attempt at a reverberation effect failed but
somebody could help if they want to share credit for this entry

The file is here -


errrr, seems to fail with an error 'BREAK in 130'

Stephane Richard

Would it be possible to make a .dXX file out of that, so I can play with i on my emulator?

or show me how to put that .prg file to run on my emulator, if there's a way?

Speaking of, I can't seem to be able to download it, could you send it to me, or validate the link, or make a .dXX file for me?

Thank you.
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!



Quote from: mystikshadowsWould it be possible to make a .dXX file out of that, so I can play with i on my emulator?

or show me how to put that .prg file to run on my emulator, if there's a way?

Speaking of, I can't seem to be able to download it, could you send it to me, or validate the link, or make a .dXX file for me?

Thank you.
Link works fine for me. Try right clicking on the link and selecting "Save as" in your browser.

To load it in VICE do an autostart from the menu & browse to it - then double click it (if running Windoze!)


Stephane Richard

well I tried that just now, I save it to my winvice folder.  then for some reason, it's not prg files can't be downloaded.


Thanks for the quick answer though ;-).
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!
