My Experiences with 64HDD

Started by airship, September 11, 2007, 01:17 AM

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That's exactly the setup I'm using, I think you'll find it well worth the money.


Quote from: MachineDrI might add that in some instances, I found that it wasn't the OS that was at fault it was the processor in the computer. Case in point was ProComm's terminal software. When making the transition from a Pentium I to a Pentium II AND using true DOS. I would get a division by zero error. I did some research on this but it always came back to the strcuture of the new Processor (I wish I could elaborate more on this).
A number of DOS programmers attempted to adjust for processor speed by timing how long some simple loop took to complete (eg. how many ms to loop 1000 times). This later led to problems when CPUs became fast enough that these loops would complete in 0ms, which when divided into the number of loops gave you that ugly little division by zero error. You'd think programmers would have checked the value before blindly dividing...

When the system isn't TOO too fast, then turning off the CPU cache may be enough to allow many programs to run. Back in the late 90s, I was able to get a P2/233 to run most of my problematic software, including ProComm, that way. Alternately, programs can be patched to correct the problem, usually just a matter of changing a few bytes.