Jiffy Dos

Started by zeke1312, November 06, 2007, 07:11 AM

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Ok, so what I can see is that U32 is the C64 Basic rom + the C64 Kernal, in that order.
So for a stock rom I could take the basic and kernal files, burn them to a 27128 and have what is already in there right?

So for a Jiffy rom I'd put BASIC,KERNAL,BASIC,JIFFYDOS,BASIC,KERNAL,BASIC,JIFFYDOS to fill up the 27512. It this correct?

For u35 is it just the 128 kernal,Jiffydos128,128 kernal,JiffyDos128?




Are you going to make an adapter or just pull up pin 27?

Do you have a disk drive?



I'm just going to pull up the pin. Works in my 1541c. :)

But I'm mainly going to be using this unit with the uiec/sd that is currently on it's way to me.
I've customized a c64 version of jiffy dos with @CD  : and @cd<- and @xs: for ease of use.

So I'll actually have a 3 way switch going to the roms, standard (stock) for 64&128, Jiffydos standard 64&128, and iec jiffy 64/standard jiffy 128).

I'm going to see if I can mount the iec/sd with the card facing out of the cassette port. I don't remember how much room I'll have, I gave away my 128 many many years ago.

I'm currently using a breadbin 64 my sister gave me for christmas a couple of years ago, and my 9 year old son and I have been playing with it since this xmas when I dug it out again. I build an adapter and put Jiffy on it a couple of weeks ago.

Thanks for all the answers.
Once you gave me the rom numbers and locations I was able to load up and compare the dumps from around the web.
Beats trying to figure out what goes where from vice.



Here's a tutorial I put together last week:


I've updated two flat 128s using this process.
