What's up with Canada post?

Started by Mangelore, November 09, 2007, 04:32 PM

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Typo alert: While our government is certainly hard to 'afford', as I stated above, what I meant to say was 'avoid'. But it's funnier the way I said it the first time. Carry on.
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QuoteCarry on.
Thank you, airship.

Being nice to terrorists will not them go away. It's our freedoms and lifestyle they want to destroy. Then they'll come after you and your family if you don't adopt their religion.

You say you're politicians are paranoid; they are doing what you elected them for. Their trying to protect you and your families from a vicious enemy that wants you DEAD.

Whether you like or not, the only thing that is standing between you and the terrorists is President Bush and the US Military. You had better get your heads out of your you know what and look around before it all disappears.



Oh boy.... I didn't expect my whinging post re Canada Post to have this outcome. :förvånad:


Dan, I hope you and I can agree to disagree on this. Personally, I think it's all overhyped BS to keep our own tyrant in power. Maybe that's an overreaction, just as what you said about the Democrats turning us into a Socialist state was an overreaction.

I didn't elect this set of 'leaders'. I voted for the other guys. And I think we probably won, despite what his stacked Supreme Court said. That being said, like Gore himself I'm willing to live with the results because I have every confidence that we'll win it back next election.

The great thing about a democracy is that if you like things the way they are, you can vote for the status quo. If you don't, you can vote agin' 'em. I think this country works best when we have a balance of power between the two major parties. It's kind of like a gang war - as long as they're at each others' throats, it keeps 'em from creating too much trouble for us.

Wouldn't this be a boring world if we were all the same, believing the same things, voting the same way, and marching to the same beat? As for me, I'm perfectly fine with being absolutely 100% right and having those with a differing viewpoint be 100% absolutely wrong. And I hope you are, too. :)

I'm going to miss Payton. He's a smart guy when it comes to these little CBM boxes. I'll miss his insights and inputs.

BTW I have nothing but respect for our people in the military and what they do for us. But I'm sick of those who try to label me a traitor just because I disagree with Bush - who, by the way, was able to keep from going to war himself because he had a rich daddy. I'm a 100% loyal American who believes our country headed down the wrong road when Republicans quit being Conservatives and started being Neoconservatives. I hope they find their way back, and soon.
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
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Fotios, I'm sorry your thread got diverted, but I'm a veteran that loves his country and President even though I disagree with some of his positions. My youngest son is in Bagdad as we speak. I talk with him every two weeks and what he is telling me is they (US Military) are much appreciated by the Iraqis and the Iraqis are beginning to stand up for themselves.

I enjoy a joke as much as the next guy and the cutting up that airship and Golan were doing was funny.
When I'm reading a thread on this forum about the computers we all enjoy talking about and then somebody slips in a snide remark about my President or my country, I have to say something. Especially when it's aimed at me.

BTW;  Golen, I knew that WTE is from Germany and he can speak for himself. Man, you have a big mouth, what you said to Andrew in the other thread was totally uncalled for. Every group of people have their own little clicks of like minds that discuss things and gossip about other people. But most don't go around telling people that they are talking about them, in the negative. I bet your little group has had a lot to say about me too. Who is in this group of yours anyway, so I can avoid them.


P.S. Airship, I'll pray for you. :)

Andrew Wiskow

Quote from: airshipI'm going to miss Payton. He's a smart guy when it comes to these little CBM boxes. I'll miss his insights and inputs.
Did I miss something?  Where is Payton going? :förbryllad:

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II

Andrew Wiskow

Never mind...  I just saw Lance's post in the News forum about closing the OpenCBM sub-forum, and now I understand.  I can only hope he'll come back after a cooling-off period.

Okay...  In an effort to try to get this thread back on topic...  Here's my 2¢ on the topic of Canada Post.  I've also had trouble with Canada Post, both with items sent to Canada, as well as receiving items from Canada.  Some things things are received in a normal amount of time, some things take a long time, and a few things have just gone missing.  It's a problem, and something obviously needs to be done to fix it.

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


Quote from: C128RETIREDFotios, I'm sorry your thread got diverted, but I'm a veteran that loves his country and President even though I disagree with some of his positions....  
Hi Dan,

No need to apologise. This area is for general off topic discussions.

I wish people weren't so emotional at times, but I realise certain topics can be very sensitive to some.

Anyway, I'm not going to post my political views on this or any forum. I'd rather focus on my nerdy 128 hobby :)

I hope that the few members that canceled their accounts just take a small break to cool off and return in the near future.
I've been working on a few interesting 128 hardware projects in my spare time...  don't miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this forum so we can chat about them very soon. I'd value your feedback good or bad.



OT so don't reply
Quote from: airshipReligion and politics should be off-limits. ...
Ups! Sorry but I forgot: Other countries other conventions. Normally in Germany there is no problem to talk about such things also in harsh words. (But you know, it's more than 60 years ago that it was ... not so normal to talk free). As politics is not "allowed" please ignore the following part of this message. ;)

Quote from: airshipAnd BTW, I'm sure WTE and Golan and Lance, et. al., are VERY proud that their countries have never had laughable 'leadership'.
I couldn't laugh about Schröder (last chancellor) because he was a power-hungry politician and i didn't like him. But I've laught a lot about Dr. Kohl (penultimate chancellor) like others have done. This have made him more human and didn't subvert his authority. But we had/have also some ministers who are only laughable and nothing more than that. Thats politics and we have to live (and laugh) with that. If laughing is no longer allowed than you live in a dictatorship.

I'm very sad to see that some people on this board have serious problems with this "political discussion". Hope that this is only temporarily. Keep cool!

Regards WTE


Well I had a big post going here but I fat fingered my keyboard and lost it! Anyhow, does anyone on this board collect guns? I'm into guns *big* time! I love'm. The more the merrier. I love to shoot'em but I don't kill critters. Personally I don't hunt. I used to but gained my senses back many years ago. Anyhow, I use the gun issue as an indicator who to vote for here in the US. Why? Well look at the anti gun folks. They are in the "touchy feely", let me help you with more laws, keep the border open, raise taxes, yada yada group.

Hey, I recently got back into building rockets. Not the toy plastic things but the type you cut, shape, mold, glue balsa wood and cardboard tubing. The ones, at least for me, that take a couple of months to build, then launch into the blue skies.  Funny, I recently got back into Commodore computers after being away since the mid 80s. Yea, I know you can tell by my posts:) Since I retired from Unisys (Burroughs) I'm in my second childhood! Anyhow, I love retirement, my guns, rockets, now Commodore, and oh yes my wife.

Now, back to the subject at hand. Oh, I noticed at least for me, when I jump around here looking for different posts/subjects, on occasion  my PC hangs waiting for a response from the host. Why?
Ex Nike Herc Vet. Avatar: Oozlefinch? www.nikemissile.org


The hangs are due to the fact that the bits get tired coming all the way from Australia, so they stop in Hawaii for a little rest before they come on to the mainland. Sometimes they get caught up drinking pina coladas and it takes a bit longer for them to get here.

I've got a .45 auto I go out and shoot sometimes. The Iowa Dept. of Natural Resources has a free outdoor gun range just a couple of miles up the road. And Zeke, I'm a gun owner, a born-again Christian, AND a Liberal Democrat. Just remember that a stereotype is just that: a stereotype. I'm also in favor of enforcing our immigration laws, while remembering to treat illegals and their families like human beings. There are all kinds of Democrats, just as there are all kinds of Republicans. Aren't you glad we're not all cookie-cutter alike? Makes for a more interesting world.
Serving up content-free posts on the Interwebs since 1983.
History of INFO Magazine


Quote from: C128RetiredWhether you like or not, the only thing that is standing between you and the terrorists is President Bush and the US Military. You had better get your heads out of your you know what and look around before it all disappears.
I think the thing standing between me and the terrorists is the Atlantic Ocean.  If they were in Mexico, I'm sure the US would suffer more frequent attacks.  At the same time, I'm sure plenty of US vigilanties would retalaite.  Citizens love thier guns and neabry terrorists would give us a good excuse to use them.

BTW, I think Airship and Golans remarks are humerous.  Where did it all go wrong...


Quote from: hydrophilic
Quote from: C128RetiredWhether you like or not, the only thing that is standing between you and the terrorists is President Bush and the US Military. You had better get your heads out of your you know what and look around before it all disappears.
I think the thing standing between me and the terrorists is the Atlantic Ocean.  If they were in Mexico, I'm sure the US would suffer more frequent attacks.  At the same time, I'm sure plenty of US vigilanties would retalaite.  Citizens love thier guns and neabry terrorists would give us a good excuse to use them.

BTW, I think Airship and Golans remarks are humerous.  Where did it all go wrong...
What's interesting to see is the politcal 'drift' over time - in the 60's & 70's, these were 'freedom fighters' - now they're 'terrorists'.

Times change.


Golan Klinger

Quote from: adminWhat's interesting to see is the politcal 'drift' over time - in the 60's & 70's, these were 'freedom fighters' - now they're 'terrorists'.
Right. When the Soviets were occupying Afghanistan they were freedom fighters and were supported financially, politically and militarily by the U.S.A. and now that they're pointing their guns at the new occupiers, they're terrorists. It's so very difficult to keep track of who is a friend and who is an enemy, according to the U.S.A., on any given day.
Call me Golan; my parents did.


Well, that may be true but you can count on one thing. We're always keeping an eye on those Canadians. :)


Quote from: jt-3dWell, that may be true but you can count on one thing. We're always keeping an eye on those Canadians. :)
Don't they all go into hibernation at this time of the year (northern winter) ?


Golan Klinger

Quote from: adminDon't they all go into hibernation at this time of the year (northern winter) ?
Don't be daft. We don't hibernate during hockey season.

Go Leafs Go!
Call me Golan; my parents did.


Everybody knows Canadians never sleep. They are always ploting their world domination, what with their hockey hair and catchy anthem and beavers and such. No, never turn your back on a Canadian. Besides, with all our nucular testing and greenhouse gassing we keep it too warm up here for them to hibernate. It makes them cranky.


Quote from: Blacklord on November 09, 2007, 05:23 PM
I've had the same issue twice in the last 6 months sending auction items to Canada - I no longer sell to Canada because of this.



Couldn't you just warn Canadian buyers that due to the unfortunate reality of the latency of Canada Post's delivery system orders can take 6 weeks or longer and leave it at that? I quit bothering with ebay because either the postage rates quoted were more than the item (which is patently unfair and a rip-off) or shipping to Canada was not offered. It was either that or get a post box in North Dakota which I believe is frowned upon if you don't have a US address.

Part of the problem here is that several years back the labour unions drove the wages of postal workers so high that it became less cost effective to provide decent low cost parcel service. Today Canada Post interestingly sell premium package services which compete with UPS and they also sell the Purolator Products like Puroletter. This country of mine is a social democracy and Canada Post are a "Crown Corporation" which means the people here technically own them. However the unfortunate reality is that much of this is driven from Eastern Canada, the whole thing is run by bureaucrats, and here in the Mid-West where I live we WASP's are a forgotten tribe and spaces are wide open and the pony express never came this far North. Back when Canada was a Dominion and we sang "God Save The Queen" the mail did get through tho'.

However these days in the East where they milk the Great Canadian Cow perhaps part of the confusion is where Canada actually is... dunno for sure but maybe our mail comes here by way of France.


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Pro-democracy cow from Beijing         Canadian Cow



Andrew Wiskow

I have another interesting story to share about a recent experience with Canada Post.  At about the same time, I sold an item to a guy in Spain, I bought an item from a guy in Brazil, and I bought another item from a guy in Canada.  The item coming to me from Canada was sent with a rate called "Expedited USA".  The package I sent to Spain arrived in Spain in 6 days.  The item that was sent to me from Brazil got to me in about 10 days.  The item that was sent to me from Canada (the shortest distance travelled of these three packages) took 5 weeks to arrive!  There was no indication that the package was opened by customs...  It apparently just sat somewhere for a long time....  Either that, or it took the long way around the globe to get to me in California from Ontario.   Whatever the case, Canada Post's definition of "expedited" definately differs from mine!  =|

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


Quote from: Mangelore on November 10, 2007, 11:31 PM
Oh boy.... I didn't expect my whinging post re Canada Post to have this outcome. :förvånad:

Yeah I know what you mean...


Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on April 04, 2008, 09:40 AM
The item that was sent to me from Canada (the shortest distance travelled of these three packages) took 5 weeks to arrive!  There was no indication that the package was opened by customs...  It apparently just sat somewhere for a long time....  Either that, or it took the long way around the globe to get to me in California from Ontario.   Whatever the case, Canada Post's definition of "expedited" definately differs from mine!  =|


This is endemic of the efficiency or lack thereof even in domestic missives and in matters of great import my dear fellow. But can be used to one's advantage... for example being a truly tardy Canadian and a fiddler to boot (actually a guitarist) I have been remiss in filing of my my income taxes being busy working and making money and since deductions come off at source, no worries (and hate accounting and writing accounting software but do it anyway when not fishing).

Well just this week I received a demand for taxes from our government for the 2006 taxation year. This demand was sent via Canada Post and the letter dated March 1st or thereabouts and received a whole month later in our little post office in our small town about 45 miles North of the taxation centre where it was mailed from, stated that if I did not respond within 4 weeks legal action would be started. Of course I immediately called and was given a Month's grace by the taxman. I see a pattern here though. We Canadians are admittedly friendly but don't like to rush.



Quote from: airship on November 10, 2007, 03:09 PM
Typo alert: While our government is certainly hard to 'afford', as I stated above, what I meant to say was 'avoid'. But it's funnier the way I said it the first time. Carry on.

I agree... and what's even funnier is that both hold true up here...

I'm gonna toddle off now and play with some CP/M 80 code in my old compiler...


Quote from: Andrew Wiskow on April 04, 2008, 09:40 AM
...it took the long way around the globe to get to me in California from Ontario.   Whatever the case, Canada Post's definition of "expedited" definately differs from mine!  =|


Probably was transported by a three-legged moose.
x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't need no stinking x86!


I like the service from the UK (Royal Mail) to Australia (Australia Post) - generally three days, the best was two (which left me rather astounded).

Sometimes it takes longer from NSW to Tasmania - go figure.
