ck c-256/c-512

Started by smf, November 21, 2007, 10:41 AM

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I have been trying to track down twin cities 128 issues 30 & 31 ( or any really, they seem to be ellusive )

According to a faq:

"The C-256 and C-512

  Twin Cities 128  issues #30 and #31 have a hardware scheme for expanding
  your 128 to 256K or 512K.  To people who understand banking on the 128, the
  256K modification adds RAM blocks 2 and 3 to your system.  The 512K
  modification adds four more RAM blocks that can be accessed as alternate RAM
  blocks 2 and 3, or as a completely separate set of RAM blocks 0-3.

  As with Commodore REUs, software must specifically support the expanded RAM.
  Since these modifications are relatively new, there is not much software out
  yet that supports the additional RAM.  However, ACE 128 does support this
  expansion without any special drivers.

  The hardware modification, while simple from software's point of view, is
  rather difficult to perform in hardware.  Richard Curcio, the designer of
  the memory modifications, can modify your 128 for you.  See Twin Cities 128
  issue #31 for more information."

Anyone have any details on this hack?

Andrew Wiskow

I did some digging today, and I found two Twin Cities 128 disks, issues 31 and 32.  I took a quick look at the files, and they seem to be companion files to a magazine, which I don't have.  Here is the file list for the issue 31 disk:

01) bas.tc128 chksum
02) 512k.prog1
03) 512k.prog2
04) 512k.prog3
05) 512k.super 8
07) 512k.trsf.src
08) 512k.trsf.bas
10) spool.printr.bas
11) geopager
13) getinbigger
14) queen
15) clipper
16) spanish.galleon
17) sailing.ship
18) griffin
19) bluejay
20) carp

And there are descriptions on the disk jacket, which reads:

#01  TC128's Checksum Prg
#02-08 The utility programs for 512K
#09-10 Examples for the spooling
#11-12 OUR FEATURE PROGRAM - geoPager
#14-20 bonus geoPaint picutres.  This disk formatted under Geos!

So, if you'd like a copy of this disk, I could make a d64 for you...  But I'm not sure how much good it'll do without the magazine.

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


This is what you're after:

Oh, and please upload the twin cities .d64, it's important that this stuff gets archived :)


c128dcr  |  1581  |  1750  |  1084s  |  1351  |  mmc64  |  super-g  |  competition pro


Quote from: 8502This is what you're after:

Oh, and please upload the twin cities .d64, it's important that this stuff gets archived :)


Forward it here - I'll place it in the files area (email: landover @

Andrew Wiskow

Quote from: adminForward it here - I'll place it in the files area (email: landover @
All I have at the moment are the original disks...  But I'll try to make d64's of them soon, and then I'll send them your way.  And if I come across any more, I'll send those along as well...

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II

Andrew Wiskow

I just e-mailed them to you, Lance.  :)

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II