GEOAssembler directives

Started by xlar54, December 24, 2007, 02:57 AM

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Hey guys, I dont have a copy of the documentation for GeoProgrammer, and as I understand, its pretty hefty.  Id love to get ahold of it, but I dont think its really available yet in any electronic form.  Searching around, I found some of the commonly used directives for GeoAssembler.  If anyone knows of any others, please add them here.


.header  ; begin Geos header definition
.endh     ; end Geos header definition
.byte "string", 123, $00
.block 123-300  ; skips a number of bytes
.macro  MacroName param1, param2..
.endm  ; end macro definition
.text "CBM text string"  ; assembles into CBM codes