WTB: Commodore 128

Started by nikoniko, December 29, 2007, 07:16 AM

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All bills and no buy makes Mike a cheerless guy...

SLOPe is coming along, and Mangelore keeps coming out with all sorts of amazing hardware that I wish I could play with, so I think I'm ready to take the plunge and buy a real 128, bills be damned (well, for a week or two anyway). Besides, today's my birthday, and also my 1 year anniversary of joining the forum is coming up in another couple days, so I feel like celebrating. But before I send off my money to some random* bloke on eBay, I thought I'd see if any of our North American members are in the unusual position of having "too many" 128s (is that even possible?) and would like to find a loving home for one of them.

I'm sure I can't afford shipping on a monitor, nor do I trust any of the shipping services to get one to me intact, so basically I just need a (more or less) working system with a power supply, video connectors, and disk drive of some sort. And if you could throw in a couple of blank disks, that would be great. If something's missing or a little wonky, just let me know and I'll probably take it anyway.

I'd prefer a system with 64K VDC, but it doesn't really matter since it doesn't seem too difficult to do the upgrade. One of them handy-dandy cables to connect the drive to a PC would be nice, too, but I can always get one separately. A joystick would be useful, as would a mouse, but I don't mind getting those elsewhere if you don't have any extras. The case can be mellow yellow for all I care, as long as it doesn't come with an acrid odor attached.



*But no doubt, known to Golan.

Andrew Wiskow

nikoniko, in another thread, Robert Bernardo said that FCUG has plenty of flat 128's in storage, so perhaps you could contact him on this.  :)

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


He kindly offered once that I could have one if I lived in the area, but unfortunately I'm about 2300 miles out. Commodore-wise, I'm definitely living on the wrong coast. :/

Golan Klinger

Call me Golan; my parents did.


He tends to say everything he means to say, and since that possibility wasn't mentioned, it never seemed appropriate to ask. One of the things I admire about Robert is that, unlike myself, he never wastes words.

I see the TPUG store is offering a 128 w/1571 and monitor for $75. Do you think that would also be available sans monitor?

There's always Charles... but he doesn't have any drives listed on his product page, and I'd rather get the system and drive together.

Golan Klinger

Don't worry about it. I'll sort you out. Check your PMs in about 5 minutes. :)
Call me Golan; my parents did.