Disabling function keys

Started by Blacklord, December 29, 2007, 09:29 AM

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FOR I=0 TO 7:F(I)=PEEK(4096+I):POKE 4096+I,0:NEXT


FOR I=0 TO 7:POKE 4096+I,F(I):NEXT

Stephane Richard

Nice trick, I used to just not do code for them, I never knew you could actually turn that off. ;-).  one for the books ;-)
When God created light, so too was born, the first Shadow!



Another way to accomplish the same thing:

POKE 828,183

This redirects the Editor's keyprocessing just past the test for function keys so the PETSCII codes are never replaced with strings.  The best part about this method, IMHO, is it frees the entire $1000~$10FF area for your own use :)


Quote from: hydrophilic on March 08, 2008, 12:12 PM
Another way to accomplish the same thing:

POKE 828,183

This redirects the Editor's keyprocessing just past the test for function keys so the PETSCII codes are never replaced with strings.  The best part about this method, IMHO, is it frees the entire $1000~$10FF area for your own use :)

To put things back to normal:

POKE 828,173
x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't need no stinking x86!


Might this also have been what KEY OFF and KEY ON would've been doing if they'd been implemented? One of the original programmers might be able to tell us ...

And am I the only person who ever wondered what OFF and QUIT were supposed to do?

Oh BTW the POKEs mentioned should be extendable to F9 (aka RUN) and F10 (aka HELP). I always felt it lends a professional touch to a program if the user is able to get some help pressing the HELP key - better than this PC habit of using F1 ;~)

One BASIC extension I "had a crush on" (MasterBasic 128) did a very sensible tweak by extending KEY and KEY n,... to 9 & 10 so you could reprogram RUN and HELP for direct mode needs.
