Triple Tie Breaker - Tough Question?

Started by xlar54, January 21, 2008, 03:22 PM

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heheh... ok, Im going to toss my hat into this ring to help break the three way tie (see current scores)..

How many pages are in the GeoProgrammer's Reference Guide?


Cheater. You know I hate GEOS! :(

But Amazon says it has 451 pages.
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ding ding ding!

Airship got it.  Nice.  Thought that might be a rather difficult one since this book is somewhat hard to find.  Consider the baton passed. :)


SOMEONE ELSE needs to post, not me. My last two questions have had ambiguous answers, at best. I'm not trying again until I have a really good, solid question in mind. So... who's it going to be?
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