GeoProgrammer C=128 patch

Started by omicrondelta, March 16, 2008, 05:40 AM

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Well... I finally managed to track down a copy of GeoProgrammer.  I was impressed with the ads back-in-the-day that showed bitmaps being included in the source code and the assembler would translate the included pic to code.

Now, I just run Geos128, so GeoProgrammer for the 64 was kind of useless, but I seen on Zimmers a patch.  Well, after a disk image was flanged together, I tried to patch GeoProgrammer.  I kept getting errors.  The patch couldn't find the files.  After throwing the patch into a hex editor I found the problem.  Turns out the patcher is expecting filenames in all capitals.  So just rename the three main files it patches with all capital letters and it patches fine and you'll have a Geos128 compatible GeoProgrammer.

Now I just need a SuperCPU and Wheels... and an FD-2000... and an RS-232 adapter... and etc, etc...