DesTerm128 in d81 format

Started by Andrew Wiskow, August 30, 2007, 11:56 AM

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Andrew Wiskow

Since I couldn't find a copy of DesTerm anywhere in an emulator-compatible format, I decided to make one of my own.  I posted it on my personal website for anyone else who may be interested in it.  It's in d81 format.

Get it here:

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II


What version of DesTerm is it?

Andrew Wiskow

Quote from: plbyrdWhat version of DesTerm is it?
Oops... Should have mentioned that.... hehehe

It's v2.01, which I've been told was the final "good" version of DesTerm released.

I should probably point out a few "tips" for using DesTerm128 v2.01 in WinVICE.  First, you need to switch to 80-column mode.  This is done by pressing ESC then X on a real C128.  In WinVICE, you press F1 then X.  After this, from the 80-column screen, and after you've attached the d81 file to drive 8, type RUN "* ...  When you see the terminal screen appear, you'll need to set some things up.  On a real C128, to get to the menus, you press CTRL-RUN/STOP.  In WinVICE, hold down TAB and tap CAPS LOCK.  Use the cursor keys to scroll down to Edit Defaults, press Enter, then select Load Chars, press Enter, and finally, select CBMCGSET.CHR.  Under the same menu, select Load Protocol, and select PUNTER.DPR.  These two things need to be done each time you boot up DesTerm128 v2.01, because for some reason these settings are not saved.  Any other settings you change, you can select Save Setup under Edit Defaults.  This is a bit annoying at first, but I'm so used to doing it now that it doesn't bother me.  To go back to the previous menu at any time, press ESC on a real C128, or F1 in WinVICE.  There are a lot of ALT shortcuts in DesTerm.  ALT in WinVICE is F3.  For example, ALT-B to change baud rate... ALT-T to change terminal mode (you'll want to set this to Commodore for calling Commodore BBS's)... ALT-S to send a file (upload), ALT-R to receive a file (download)...  You can figure out all of these by experimenting...  The baud rate and terminal mode are settings that CAN be saved using the method I mentioned.  

Okay... Those are the basics you'll need to get started.  DesTerm128 v2.01 does NOT include any documentation.  DesTerm128 v2.00 does have complete documentation, which I have read, so if you have any questions and don't have access to v2.00, feel free to ask.

Cottonwood BBS & Cottonwood II