Internal and External ROM

Started by MIRKOSOFT, July 20, 2009, 08:02 AM

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I think about Internal and External ROM which is accessible in some banks of C128.
I want to ask:
Internal ROM is EPROM inserted into empty EPROM slot on C128 motherboard?
I have in EPROM slot inserted BASIC8.ROM with GEOS2DESKTOP.ROM, I think it's Internal ROM 'cause I tried to access IDENTIFIER of BASIC8 and I found it in memory. By switch (EPROM has switcher) I think I can find GEOS2 IDENTIFIER

But which is External ROM? Where to add EPROM as External? Is any slot also empty?

Thanks for every reply.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


Quote from: MIRKOSOFT on July 20, 2009, 08:02 AM
But which is External ROM? Where to add EPROM as External? Is any slot also empty?
Are you speaking of the empty ROM socket on a Commodore 17xx ram expander?

                Robert Bernardo
                Fresno Commodore User Group
                July 25-26 Commodore Vegas Expo -


No, I think about External ROM in banks configs. I don't know where to add External ROM which will be accessible as External ROM in any banks. Like Internal ROM.
I don't have REU 17xx and any other.
But when is on motherboard empty socket for Internal ROM, where is empty socket for External ROM?
If exists...

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


External ROM is just ROM that plugs into the expansion port.  That is, a cartridge.  Also called cartridge ROM.  Of course cartridges can have more than ROM.

Take RobertB's example of the 17XX REU.  The REU cartridge is primarily a DMA controller with a lot of RAM, but it can also have ROM if you plug one into it's empty slot.

I haven't got to play with cartridge ROM, but as I recall from the specs of the C128, you can have 16K or 32K of external ROM.  With 32K, you have the option to bank in the top 16K, the bottom 16K, or all 32K at once.
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