Commodore "User guide" in 40 columns and 2 D64 images (fwd)

Started by RobertB, December 13, 2008, 05:00 PM

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Subject: Commodore "User guide" in 40 columns and 2 D64 images
From:    "nigel parker"
Date:    Thu, December 11, 2008 8:56 am

Hello All :-)

I don't know how much of a need there is for the Commodore user guide as D64`s or as 40-column text files, but they are on the website --  I encountered some problems with the Loadstar mini-presenter Quikmenu, as Dave is busy at the moment. The problems will have to stay.

I have had an offer from someone to create a new disk presenter application so am awaiting this version to finalise the disks; they are still a work in progress feel free to test and report back errors. I know of 2:

1. Some of the first characters of the first line of text are cut (although this doesn't take away the text from the manual). It's just [that in] the headers, like "1.2 setup", the first or second character may be missing, so you end up with "2 setup".

2. Printing problems
When printing out, some of the text is re-formatted. Looks ok on-screen and in the text file. Just prints out wrong.

I [intend] to fix the text. I just need to add 2 extra characters but haven't had time to experiment.

Feel free to tell others about the downloads :-)

Commodore User Guide
Commodore User guide part 1.d64 - 171KB
Commodore User guide part 2.d64 - 171KB
Commodore User guide 40 column text - 273KB
