Closing this area

Started by Blacklord, March 04, 2009, 06:45 AM

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As Michael hasn't been around for over a year now (Jan 8th 2008), I've decided that the best thing to do is close this sub-forum & move the two discussions in here into the general 128 areas.

Does anyone have any objections ?



It's too bad. This had a lot of potential. I still hope he's all right, but my common sense says he's no longer with us. :(
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Mmmm....   I tend to agree, he was ill then abruptly went AWOL.

No-one seems to know anything either.


My common sense too says he's no longer with us. It's all very sad :(

BTW, did Michael ever release SLOPe?
Ignorance is a precious thing. Once lost, it can never be regained.


Quote from: SmallCleverDinosaur on March 04, 2009, 08:17 AM
My common sense too says he's no longer with us. It's all very sad :(

BTW, did Michael ever release SLOPe?

I don't think so.


Did anyone here know anyone who might have known Michael outside of cyberspace?  It sure would be nice to find out what became of him.
x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't need no stinking x86!



Hmm... I doubt it. Any particular reason why you think this is him? Except for the name of course ;)

I looked at his pages and didn't find any mentioning of Commodore. Don't you think he would have done that even once? Or maybe I missed something?

Besides, according to "Whois", this guy lives in Newark, New Jersey and not Maryland as "our" Michael does. But I guess he could have moved... Have you tried contacting this guy?

It was a good research though :)
Ignorance is a precious thing. Once lost, it can never be regained.


Ah, he mentions 65xx programming on his pages.....


If it is Michael George Hartley, he's posted on as recently as today, and his e-mail address is, so interested parties could drop him a line.


QuoteHmm... I doubt it. Any particular reason why you think this is him? Except for the name of course ;)

I don't think it is the Michael Hart that was coming here.  No mention of anything Commodore, and for reasons that I can't quite articulate, the Michael Hart at website seems to be in a totally different sphere, computer-wise.

QuoteIf it is Michael George Hartley, he's posted on as recently as today, and his e-mail address is, so interested parties could drop him a line.

I don't think his last name is Hartley.
x86?  We ain't got no x86.  We don't need no stinking x86!