pre-ebay sale

Started by Dragos, April 03, 2009, 04:18 PM

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I have a few items that I have decided it is time for them to move on, my collection has overtaken far too much space.

I will accept reasonable offers for the following:

8250 Dual Disk Drive w/device # switch, excellent condition, in original box

1551 drive converted to North American power supply (from a 1541 of course)

Commodore amiga 2000 with 68030 accel from microbotics (vxl-30 with Ram-32 board) awsome accel.

1571 with RAMBOard/maverick speed control/JDOS(not that I think jdos adds a nickel to the price ) This is a special 1571, check out the internal pic: (warning, large pic)

You can see the speed control know on the back in that pic

I have many more things, feel free to ask.

Also, please note that I have a clue about these things, so please do not waste my time with ridiculous offers,


Edit: It has been brought to my attention that some people will not understand what ridiculous offers mean, let me clear that up. anything under $100 on ANY of these items will receive no response (also note that offers of $101 are likely not to be accepted either, except for the amiga, none of these things can be considered common)