Amiga Workbench disks? Anyone?

Started by xlar54, August 02, 2009, 10:02 AM

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As stated earlier, I have an Amiga 1500, now an Amiga 2000 thanks to a A2091 SCSI hardcard, and a US power supply from Ebay.  But I cant create Workbench disks.  Is there any kind soul out there with an Amiga, that wouldnt mind creating a set of 2.04 WB disks for me? I have the 3.1 ROM.  PM me if you will.


     When I get back to my place in mid-August, I can dig up the floppy disks for you.  Your only cost would be for the postage.

               Still on the road,
               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group


     I'd almost forgotten about this.  Do you still need the Workbench disks?  I have some copies of 3.1 (but I see you want 2.04).

               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               The Other Group of Amigoids
               Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network


Actually I can dig out the A1200 & copy 'em if you need 'em (think I'm closer ?)


Actually, no - some kind soul sent me a set (we have a great community).  What did surprise me was putting in the 2091 and SCSI drive and with a little coaxing, I had no problem at all in getting WB installed on it.  Plug and play years before Microsoft ever came up with it.  Typical Amiga.

But Robert - whats in 3.1 that isnt in 2.04?  (I have no clue about Kickstart versions etc) Am I missing on something good there?


Quote from: xlar54 on August 26, 2009, 10:26 PM
But Robert - whats in 3.1 that isnt in 2.04?
Better hard drive support, for one.
Quote(I have no clue about Kickstart versions etc) Am I missing on something good there?
For a summary, go to this generalized Wikipedia article -


                      Robert Bernardo
                      Fresno Commodore User Group
                      The Other Group of Amigoids
                      Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network