Wanted: Rabbit ROM for PET

Started by Blacklord, August 05, 2009, 06:50 AM

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Original post by Larry Anderson

One pet enthusiast has been asking me if I could track down the ROM image for the RABBIT tape utility, it was a fast tape load/save which I believe also included some other BASIC utilities, I know they went on to make a VIC-20 version, but he is interested in the PET one.

Any help is appreciated.


Original post by Golan Klinger

I would be interested in that too. I have a VIC Rabbit and can provide a ROM dump to anyone that wants it. Scans of the manual too, if that would help.


Original post by pet1978

You are almost answering your own questions!

The link you provided to the pile of disk images in the archive at http://www.vintagecomputer.net/commodore/64/baltissen/

Find the disk "PBE-80A.D64"

File "RABBIT.300" for Basic 2/3 loads & starts Rabbit at top of memory.

File "RABBIT.3A0" for Basic 2/3. Running produces an image at $7000-$77FF that is the rom image to burn for $A000.
Once installed at $A000, start with sys42014

File "RABBIT.490" for Basic 4. Running produces an image at $7000-$77FF that is the rom image to burn for $9000.
Once installed at $9000, start with sys36864


Original post by Larry Anderson

Cool! I knew there was a lot of goodies in those images, I just havent gotten time to really go through them.

Thanks for pointing it out! :D


Does anyone have a manual for the C64 version!? :-)