MTU Visible Memory

Started by Blacklord, August 05, 2009, 10:22 PM

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Original post by MikeS


In the Tips&Tricks section someone mentioned the MTU Visible Memory board; that reminded me:

I have one of those, but if I indeed ever had the software for it I sure can't find it now; by any chance, does anyone out there have a copy?

This was the board & S/W that drew MTU's 'logo', the math function that looked sort of like a hat (originally designed for the KIM & SYM SBCs, used in the PET by means of an adapter board and later replaced by an updated version specifically for the PET).




Original post by pet1978

Hi Mike

I asked for the same thing a few years ago and Larry Anderson sent me a disk image of demos. You can download at:

The disk contains stuff from several sources. It takes a little bit to figure out

To get the hat, load and run "BOOT FOR MTU", then load and run "HAT"

Do you have any documentation? "SPACE WAR 4.0" doesn't work correctly for me.



Original post by Larry Anderson

Spacewar should start up with the two ships. it's two players the one on the right uses the numeric pad controls.  and the one on the left has some letter combinations.  There are keys to rotate (minor rotations don't turn the ship but do change the phaser angle) keys for lasers, and a key for photons, you have a limited amount of fuel phasers and photons.  Phaser are close range, and photons persist till they hit something and are more limited in number.

If it doesn't have a BASIC line to start it, it may start by SYS 1024

That's all I can remember right now.


the main MTU visible memory POKE:
POKE 49151,0  - turn off both PET characters and visible memory display
POKE 49151,1  - turn on just regular PET character display
POKE 49151,2  - turn on just Visible Memory Display
POKE 49151,3  - turn on both PET characters and visible memory display

MTU visible memory is bit mapped but different then the 64
- 1 byte represents 8 pixels across
- 40 bytes represent one row of pixels across (320) unlike the 64's 5 cards (coming from the MTU doing hi-res graphics the 64 way was was weired)

bit mapped memory starts at $9000 - $af3f or 36864 - 44863  On the 80 column PETs you have double the visible memory but I never had that board.

There are other POKE and PEEK settings (I am recalling something about light pen support?) but I haven't had the manual for years.


Original post by pet1978

Thanks Larry. I had some of that information from an old news post of yours.

I have Space War working now. Just a small bug in my emulator. Who initializes zero page using STA $FFFF,X ?!

The small bit of Basic for Space War 4.0 starts with a POKE 48895,38. ($BEFF) Anybody know what that is to do?



Original post by Larry Anderson

I don't know what that address is, it's probably in the manual.

What PET emulator do you have? does it run on Linux or Mac?

BTW I posted this in another thread, in the archive on this page:

are some files for a European graphics board for the PET, same res as MTU, 320 x 200, not sure if it has the same controls, mapping or addressing like the MTU, but it's something to check out (I think they called it the W & W board for the two designers).  A couple disks of bitmap images had same filenames as one's I've seen for the MTU, makes me wonder.