Spam protection

Started by Blacklord, November 18, 2006, 09:12 AM

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I just deleted 8 spam messages & around the same number of users (god only knows why anyone would want to spam a site that deals with old computers but there you go......).

The problem appears to be getting incrementally worse. So, I've installed spam protection against the forums. This will check both the IP's of new registrants & any member who has less than 10 posts (after that, we reckon we can trust you :-) ). These are checked against the spamhaus database & if a match is found the user will be banned & the spam posting will be hidden for my review.

This is the same protection I use on the mail server here & it kills off around 80 spam emails per day.

There is a tiny chance that a legit user/post may get caught, but as I check the site every few hours any such accidental banning will be removed pretty quickly. So if it does happen to a legit post/user, my apologies in advance!

Let me know if any issues arise out of this.

