Wanted - Comal 80 Cartridge With SuperChip & Comal Books

Started by airship, October 24, 2007, 05:59 AM

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I was a big fan of the Comal programming language, but unfortunately I lost most of my Comal stuff in the INFO closing. I'm interested in buying or trading for the following:

Comal 80 cartridge with SuperChip, & manual for same

   Commodore 64 Graphics With Comal by Len Lindsay
   Structured Programming with COMAL by Roy Atherton
   Comal from A to Z by Borge Christensen

The books won't do me much good if I can't find the cartridge, and the cartridge won't do me much good unless it has the SuperChip in it, as that's what made it C128 compatible.

How about it - does anyone have any of these gathering dust in a box in their garage?
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Did the SuperChip do anything besides enable C128 compatibility?


If I remember correctly (and it's been a long time ago) it let you use the VDC display, fast mode, and all that jazz.
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