How to use ETHERNET in 1541Ultimate?

Started by MIRKOSOFT, October 17, 2009, 02:32 AM

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I'm sorry but maybe really don't know what Ethernet support is!
Please explain it me as to moron!
I'm moron in this. 

What I want?

To connect my PC to Commodore 128 and sending files from/to... that's first...
As I know for C64 are written WebBrowsers (in Contiki is one), also I heard st. about Breadbox64 as communicate program... can I browsing web or use any program to communicate? That's second...

How to see connection on PC and on Commodore? (PC OS is Win7/XP) That's third...

I'm sorry, but please explain it me.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


WOW, lots of questions let me at least get this started....

Assuming you have a 1541U with Ethernet there are several resources at your disposal.  Firstly you'll need to get it physically plugged into your network.  It uses an RR-Net compatible adapter so if you google on that you should find loads.  In order to move files to it, you'll have to run the 128 in 64 mode (as I do) to utilize WarpCopy which rocks.  That's the easiest way to move D64 and D81 images (no D71 support).  Though I only use it for D81, as the 1541 emulates D64 perfectly so no need.  In short you run WARPCOPY.PRG on the commie, and WARPCOPY06.EXE on the PC to READ/WRITE images.

I suggest forums for step by step help.

As far as Contiki all the info you need is at the end of this thread:

Good luck!
Cheers!  -=Maraud=-
Be sure to "call" (port 6400)
AABBS 128 12.5, RAMLink w/ 16MB (4GB CF-powered CMD-40 currently only backing up the RAMLink)