C128 8701 Master Clock Generator

Started by cbmguy, February 27, 2010, 04:02 PM

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Just a slight problem...  I turned on my C128D last night for the first time and noticed that the 40 column display was shot as well as the keyboard...  I can deal with the keyboard, but the VIC II seems to have no colour and the B&W shades look like cycled colours....  This happens in both C128 40 and C64 mode.  Would anyone out there have any experience with this situation.  Would anyone out there have a trash C128 that I could rape the 8701 clock gen from?--I'm assuming that this is the problem unless there's a better idea out there.

My 128Megabit works great in VDC mode though!  Groovy ;)  Thanks Dan!

Thanks in advance for your thoughts about this.




Quote from: cbmguy on February 27, 2010, 04:02 PM
Would anyone out there have a trash C128 that I could rape the 8701 clock gen from?
Well, the trash C128s are 3 hours away from me in storage, but I have some parts C64s right here with 8701s.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group
The Other Group of Amigoids
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