SJLOAD-20 v06

Started by Diddl, January 09, 2010, 04:43 AM

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Here is SJLOAD-20 (for VIC-20) release 06  (thanks to Hydrophilic!)

Release Info:

+ SJLOAD: Improved loading speed by 40%

+ SJLOAD: Now nearly all kernal IO vectors used: CHKIN,CKOUT,BSOUT,BASIN,CLALL,CLRCH (not only LOAD, SAVE)

   This improves data access to jiffy devices (also in BASIC).

+ SJLOAD: Messages only in direct mode. In program mode messages are suppressed.

Binaries for $0400 and $B000 are included.

Source code is included.

You can simply change startaddress and switch on/off modules (SJSAVE, PRINT ADDRESS RANGE, BASIC IO VECTORS).

Have fun!