What is this ?

Started by Blacklord, November 29, 2006, 07:57 PM

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It looks like some kind of C64C wannabe.  I remember back in the day there were alot of case "mod" kits that allowed you to convert your breadbox C64 to a C64C lookalike.  Most were pretty cheap looking.  I loved the C64C though.  Not sure why they did it - other than to maybe lean folks towards the 128.  Commodore made that mistake alot. Too many machines (including peripherals) with too many variations.


Interesting. Looks like a Plus 4 with a C16 keyboard.

xlar54, I have one of those C64 cases that allows you to convert a C64 to a C64C. It was made by Micro Accessories in SA and looks like the botton one on this page.

The plastic moulding on the back has two extra holes. One is labelled RESET and the other is D-DOS which I'm guessing was for a DolphinDOS ROM on/off switch???