Joining the 128 crowd, will probably need some help !

Started by timscampi, May 07, 2010, 07:02 AM

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Hello people ^^
Today, i found a boxed C128 along with a 1541 in its Styrofoam at school, in a closet. (Was actually searching for an old 386 for my Hardware class, where I was asked to repair an old PC and isntall Linux on it ;) )
So, after a quick negotiation with my teacher, I brought it back home.

Unfortunately for me, the only thing the box had was the C128. No PSU, no cables. And that was the same for the 1541 :/
So, I searched on ebay for a French manual and a European PSU for my new acquisition and found all the things I was missing (So, the manual, the PSU and the CP/M disk, along with a cool book on the C128 :) ) All of that for 15â,¬ ! (Don't know if that was a good deal, but I didn't pay for the C128 so...)
And, the better is that the seller contacted me, saying that he also had a C128 but that it was broken and he would send it to me for Free with the rest.

So, basically, for 15â,¬ i got a complete C128 in box and a spare one.

I will obviously try to repair both (I don't know if the one I have works or not, will need to test :) )
So, expect to get lots of questions from me next week, when I receive the PSU :)

This week-end, I'll clean the C128 and put it on a retr0bright treatment, because it's REALLY yellow.

Payton Byrd

Welcome to the club!  The 128 is a lot of fun.  If you are looking for suggestions here are a few:

1) Get a 1571 disk drive -- many times faster than the 1541 when used in 128 mode
2) Get JiffyDOS -- you need it both for the computer and the drive. 
3) Get a copy of Loadstar Compleat.  It's a CD-ROM with issues 1 through 199 of Loadstar 64 (a disk magazine for both the 64 and 128) and also each issue of Loadstar Quarterly 128.
4) Get VICE - The Versatile Commodore Emulator software for your PC.
Payton Byrd
Flat 128 w/JD, uIEC/SD, uIEC-CF/IDE,
1541 Ultimate, 1571 w/JD, 1581 w/JD,
VDC-SVideo, Visio 19" HDTV


Thanks :)
Any clue where I could find JiffyDOS ??? Looked on ebay and on google but didn't find anything :/
Also, just a quick question: can the 1541 use a PC power chord ? It looks like it's the same plug. And, the Floppy connexion on the drive and the C128 looks like a S-Video cable, can I use that ?


Welcome to the club! Brain Innovations is the legal source for JiffyDOS.

If the whole overlay thing is confusing, contact Jim and I am sure he will help you out. The 1541 can indeed use a standard PC power cord. The floppy drive cable is not a S-Video cable, it is called an IEC cable. Brain Innovations has those in stock too.

I hope this helps.


Quote from: timscampi on May 07, 2010, 05:04 PM
can the 1541 use a PC power chord ?
QuoteAnd, the Floppy connexion on the drive and the C128 looks like a S-Video cable, can I use that ?
A S-video cable has a far smaller connector than what you need to connect the drive and the C128.  A serial IEC cable has the proper connections.  50 cents from our club (not including shipping).

               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               July 24-25 Commodore Vegas Expo -
               and click on ComVEX


@redrumloa: Thanks for the info. I don't have an S-Video cable on hand so, I couldn't check :)

@Robert: Well, how much would be shipping to Belgium for a IEC cable ?

I feel like keeping the old 1541, for collectible value. Also, I heard that a few demos actually used the slamming sound it produces some time.
However, it doesn't have the box, just the Styrofoam... (I'm collecting, so, when I can get a box, I take it xD )
Anyone would have a spare 1541 box without anything in it ? xD

On a side note, I paid for the manuals, PSU and CP/M disk this morning. Everything (Including the free, not working, C128) should arrive Tuesday.

And, another thing: Is there a way to remove the warranty sticker without breaking it ? I mean, I want to treat it with retr0bright but I have to take the whole thing apart. And I feel a screw under the sticker. Also, I'll need to remove the "Commodore 128" sticker on the top of the unit.
I think an hairdryer would do the trick ? What kind of glue should I use to put all of this back on ?
And, while I'm at it, what kind of glue would you recommend to glue the nameplate of the 1541 back on ? I actually removed it because it was quite bent and I wanted to straight it back.

Thanks for all your support :)

Payton Byrd

Does anybody know where to get Retr0Brite already made and ready to go?
Payton Byrd
Flat 128 w/JD, uIEC/SD, uIEC-CF/IDE,
1541 Ultimate, 1571 w/JD, 1581 w/JD,
VDC-SVideo, Visio 19" HDTV


Well, it's not a commercial product, so, I don't think you can find some.
However, it's really easy to make (The gel version requires a little more products, but is way more usable on large surfaces like a console or computer case.)
All the products are readily available at your supermarket and drugstore or pharmacy.
The only one i found quite hard to obtain was Xanthan gum; but if you look online, you can get more than enough for really cheap. (I got 200gr for about $3.5 on eBay...)

Basically, you just mix the 4 products in the quantities indicated on the website and apply with a soft brush on you piece of plastic. Then, put the piece under a UV Lamp or, better, under the sun. (Check if it's not too hot under the sun, or the plastic might melt. retr0bright is pretty nasty when not used in good conditions.)
Beware that a too long exposition might produce white spots on your case. Even though it seems to be reversible, from what I've read on forums, you better go check your case from time to time.
For a heavy yellowed plastic, expect at least 6 hours. (Closer to 8 hours, by experience.)
For a slight yellowing, 4 hours should be enough, but check every hour or so, just to be sure. (You don't want to ruin you old C128 :) )

And, last but not least: remove any stickers from the case, because the product will damage it. (You can cover it with removable tape, but some persons say that the tape peeled back during the process and messed up their stickers.)

I've already treated an old grey Gameboy, just for testing purposes, and the result is splendid. The thing was all yellow and the texture was gone.
After 7 to 8 hours, the Gameboy was like new. (With a replacement screen shield, it looks near mint :) )


Quote from: timscampi on May 08, 2010, 04:43 AM
Robert: Well, how much would be shipping to Belgium for a IEC cable ?
It is Friday night over here in California.  Tomorrow, while at the post office to send off another package to a C= user, I can weigh your small package for Belgium.
QuoteAnyone would have a spare 1541 box without anything in it ?
I do.

               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               July 24-25 Commodore Vegas Expo 2010 -
               and click on ComVEX


I would be really interested in getting that 1541 box, along with the cable. :)
How much would it be for both ?


     O.K., I went to the post office today, sent off my package, and weighed a package with IEC cable to Belgium.  It came out to $3.96 postage + $1.29 for the mailing bag.  Add 50 cents for the IEC cable.
Quote from: timscampi on May 09, 2010, 12:34 AM
I would be really interested in getting that 1541 box, along with the cable. :)
How much would it be for both ?
Let me be sure that the 1541 box is the one you want.  What I have is actually the original cardboard sleeve that slips over the styrofoam of the 1541 in order to make a "box".  Is that what you want?
     The cardboard sleeve measures about 22 inches by 12 inches when folded flat.  I'd have to place it in stiff, board envelope in order to mail it.  Though it is relatively light in weight, because of its size, I'm afraid the cost of postage will go up.  How about 25 cents for the 1541 cardboard sleeve?

             Robert Bernardo
             Fresno Commodore User Group
             July 24-25 Commodore Vegas Expo 2010 -
             and click on ComVEX


I never saw a complete 1541 box, so, I can't tell what I want exactly xD
I only have the styrofoam and the drive, so, yeah, i think that all I need is the cardboard :) (Correct me if I'm wrong :) )
Well, 25 cents seems good. Need to see the postage fee, though :)
And, I probably won't be able to pay you until the end of this week (My paypal have an outstanding fund of 3$ ! Need to make a money transfer on it.)

EDIT: This will seem like a completely stupid question, but how do you fit the little black plastic piece near the power LED ?
I took the whole thing apart without paying attention to that piece and I really don't know how to fit it xD