A proposal for a new BBS package

Started by Blacklord, June 17, 2006, 05:30 PM

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David Nelson

Quote from: quarkx on November 10, 2009, 03:39 PM
Its a cool Idea, but let's face it, less and less people even have a land line anymore. I have not had one since 1999, since I got my first Cell phone. If there some way to have it on the web, but only have it accessible by 128, that would be cool.

You can use a Lantronix or similar serial to ethernet device to get it online. That is how some old BBS software was connected to the Internet and able to take incoming "calls" as well as place outgoing "calls". Takes a little effort of reading the instructions to get it set up the first time, but it works very smoothly once configured.

David Nelson

Quote from: BigDumbDinosaur on November 10, 2009, 02:13 PM
The question would be: would anyone use it?  Plus, would it be Commodore-specific or be able to accept connections from non-Commodore machines without giving rise to funky display issues?  Also, on what would the software and such be stored?  What about connectivity?  Is anyone still willing to devote a phone line to incoming traffic or would this strictly be a Telnet setup?

It would not break any traffic records for world's busiest site. It would probably only be visited occasionally by die-hards such as ourselves. Your other questions come down to what is available and affordable. Maybe something as simple as a C128 with a disk drive and serial to ethernet adapter to be available online. Dynamic DNS can be used to set up a path to the computer.
