FS: A bunch of C-64 stuff...

Started by commodorejohn, June 03, 2010, 06:44 AM

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Okay, I picked up a fair load of Commodore stuff recently, and now that I've tested all of it, up it goes! I'm just going to list the items and what I'm asking for them; I might be willing to consider a lower offer if you're buying multiple items, and I can combine shipping if you buy more than one item. (NOTE: I'm also selling it over on AmiBay, so things will go to the first buyer on either thread.)

* Commodore 1701 monitor (composite and chroma/luma video input) - $30
* "Breadbox" model C-64 - $30
* Commodore 64-C - $30
* Composite video cable - $5

NOTE: I only have one composite-and-audio video cable to spare. If you buy one of the 64s and not the cable, I'll throw in an RF modulator for TV hookup free of charge.

* 2 brown 1541 drives (pull-down door model) - $20/ea.
* Okimate 120 dot-matrix printer - $15
* Cardco G-Wiz Centronics->serial printer interface - $5

Cartridge software - $5 apiece
* Fastload (Epyx) SOLD
* Super Expander (Commodore) SOLD

* Music Composer (Commodore)
* Visible Solar System (Commodore)

* Centipede (Atari) SOLD
* Clowns (Commodore)
* Defender (Atari)
* Solar Fox (Commodore) SOLD

Disk games - $10 apiece
These games come in their original boxes, with the manuals. The disks were unfortunately stored in a garage and will poop iron oxide on your drive head, but I'm including working copies I made as well as the original disks. Box condition is generally good; there's some creasing along the seams, but for the most part everything looks fine.

* Alien Syndrome (Sega) SOLD
* Out Run (Sega) SOLD
* Spy Vs. Spy I & II (Avantage)
* Super Huey II (Cosmi)

For your consideration, here's a picture of the boxes:
http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/2320/boxgames.jpgFS: A bunch of C-64 stuff...


UPDATE: I've sold a few items off this list, but I don't have the space to hang onto this stuff indefinitely. I think I'm going to give it another week or two before I list the remainder on eBay, so if anyone wants any of this, now would be the time. As I said, I am willing to consider lower offers.


Okay, last call! If the rest of this stuff isn't spoken for by next Friday I'm putting it on eBay.