Detecting JiffyDOS

Started by MIRKOSOFT, August 15, 2010, 09:28 PM

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I have one not-standard Q:

Is possible to detect that computer has installed JiffyDOS ROMs KERNAL-128 and KERNAL-64?

I need to detect it for continuing program which has menu (want to remove) for selecting:

Have JiffyDOS/Don't have JiffyDOS

I want to remove this menu and let computer detect if is JiffyDOS installed, better can be if it can detect also version of JiffyDOS...

Many many thanks for every help.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


I do not have JIFFYDOS ROM for C128, but I do have JIFFY DOS images that I downloaded from Wiskow's website.  When I compare JIFFYDOS ROM image with standard KERNAL ROM, I find many many differances.  I don't know what is the best test, but here is an example...

.E34B  20 15 FD JSR $FD15
(standard KERNAL ROM)
.E34B  20 8C E3 JSR $E38C

So you could try...

(assume BANK 15)
CMP #$E3
BEQ standard_kernal_rom
JMP exit

I hope that makes sense!  And there are many other ways you could test the ROMs... that is only the first method that came to my mind...
I'm kupo for kupo nuts!