Detecting RAMLink and results

Started by MIRKOSOFT, August 18, 2010, 06:25 AM

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I get advice from friend how to detect RAMLink:
QuoteSend "m-r a4 fe 02" to drive and check that location. You'll get either $48 ("h"), $46 ("f"), $52 ("r") or something completely different. If it's "r", you have a RAMLink.
Ok,  command sent to device (not yet have RAMLink at home, awaiting, so ,tried on Jiffy1541): OPEN1,8,15,"m-r a4 fe 02"
With GET#1,A$ and GET#1,A I have only these results:
A$ = long miscellaneous string
A = zeroes
Is it good sent command and good reading results?
('think results must to be read other, CMD-HW is for me mystery...)

All advices will be helpful.
(btw. at I enter simple subject and one user think that I'm fool... really these answers and reflections are unusable)

Many many thanks.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

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