CMD-HW - need testers!!!!

Started by MIRKOSOFT, August 22, 2010, 05:12 AM

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I need sb. to test CMD hardware.

If you have CMD RAMLink, CMD-HD, CMD-FD please help me.
I have only RAMLink (still awaiting delivery).

In attachment is D64 with ML program CMD CHECK.
load it by: BLOAD"CMD CHECK"
then use: SYS3072,,devicenr
(yes, two commas - filling X-register with tested device number)
then use: RREG A,X
(getting info of check from Accumulator and X-register)
then use: PRINT A,X
- note value A and value X and note device which was tested (CMD RAMLink/CMD-FD/CMD-HD)
When you'll have notes of values and tested drives, please reply to this topic.

Many many thanks for every tests.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


Miro - I ran the prog for you on my setup.  Here are the results:

I first ran it on my RamLink (dev #16).  It output:  82          76

I then ran it on my CMD HD (dev #10) and got:  72           68

I wish I had an FD drive to test it on.  But I don't.

If it's of any consequence, the only other devices on the serial bus which had power was the internal 1571 drive in my 128D (dev #8) and a 1581 (dev#9).

I ran it on them too:

1571 (dev #8):   202        204
1581 (dev #9):   255        255

If you have probelms and you want to post your source code - I may be able to assist further.



Hi Tom!

Many many thanks. Testing of 1571 gives to me the same result.
So, for now I have results from you for CMD-RAMLink & CMD-HD...
The Q: Want you to be in credits of update my program C128 System Information? Wish your nick "dr.v", or only Tom, or full name?
I attached to this reply source code in ASM format (KickAssembler syntax).
If you know somebody who has CMD-FD, try please to ask him if can test it.

Else again - many many thanks.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


Miro - you can credit me under "dr.v".  That's what many of my students call me, so I just adopted it as my commodore 128 alter-ego screen name/handle.  But you can just call Tom.

That article I suggested to you (in CW) not only identifies the device type, but does the actual device polling as well (i.e., it will generate a table of dev #'s and types).  Though - there is a drawback.  If I remember correctly it occupies on the order of 1.6k.  I noticed your code was 1 block (<=256 bytes) so if memory usage is a concern, that code I pointed out may not be a great option for you.



Many thanks!

I need still sb. who can do this test with FD-2000/FD-4000...
I attached also picture from VICE128, where is shown test of Jiffy1571.

Many thanks everybody.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!


I have a RAMLink/SCPU 128/HD/FD4000 combo so I'll have a look at this when I get the chance. I'm using a German-made 128D-Cr too. I'll let you know about UK-made 128s as well as there are some strange things that happen with these machines especially when connecting CMD hardware to them.




I'll give this a shot with my FD-2000 tomorrow....
Cheers!  -=Maraud=-
Be sure to "call" (port 6400)
AABBS 128 12.5, RAMLink w/ 16MB (4GB CF-powered CMD-40 currently only backing up the RAMLink)


FD-2000 Results:  702        684

I got the same results as everyone else on the 1571, 81, RL, and HDD.  Just an FYI that the uIEC comes back as 48     48
Cheers!  -=Maraud=-
Be sure to "call" (port 6400)
AABBS 128 12.5, RAMLink w/ 16MB (4GB CF-powered CMD-40 currently only backing up the RAMLink)