CMAR record/file handling system

Started by carlsson, September 10, 2010, 06:06 PM

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Does anyone have access to CMAR from Cimarron Corporation?

A friend of mine came across this package for the PET/CBM 8000 series. It consists of manual, a protection ROM and a floppy disk. According to the manual there should exist floppy versions for 4040, 8050 and 8060/8061 (i.e. 8" floppy drives).

Since he doesn't own a PET or enough equipment, he lend me the floppy disk while another friend dumped the protection ROM. Sorry to say, I am so far unable to read the contents of the floppy disk. First I tried it in my 8250LP, but it wouldn't detect anything at all. Then I tried a 4040 with DOS v1, which is flaky on its own. Still I got no coherent readings of the directory.

Finally I tried a 2031 with DOS v2, and much to my surprise I was able to read the directory. However the output from the directory listing was not very pleasant:

0 "CMAR.D64         "    2A

I know as much as an old 2031 drive would not come up with the D64 extention on its own, which suggests to me this floppy disk has been rewritten recently, probably a failed attempt of putting a D64 image onto it.

I read the same floppy disk in my 1541-II and once managed to bring up the directory listing as above. All other attempts lead to read error on track 18, sector 1.

Now I have two questions:

1. Does anyone know about this piece of software? Since there is a D64 mentioned, it suggests to me it should float around somewhere. I have some 46 GB of assorted Commodore stuff on my PC. While it is possible this file lurks somewhere within, it is a bit difficult to navigate. I have briefly checked Zimmers FTP, but no other respositories.

2. Would it make sense to dump the floppy disk block by block, hopefully without too many errors? I don't own any custom cables for nibbling purposes (G64 etc) but perhaps it is time to get one.

Frankly I don't know if this software is good for anything, but as my friend got almost the full package it would be nice if he/we got the last missing bit. He is looking to upload it to somewhere on the 'net anyway, unless of course it is already present at some place I didn't look and Google doesn't know to search in.