
Started by Diddl, February 11, 2011, 11:41 PM

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The new ZoomFloppy is the successor of XUM-1541 and all X-cables (X-1541, XA-1541, XM-1541, XAP-1541, XU-1541, XS-1541). With ZoomFloppy you can connect all your Commodore drives to your PC using USB connection.

ZoomFloppy can be ordered from Jim Brain in his shop: klick

ZoomFloppy supports of course OpenCBM software. But new is, it also supports nibblecopy (MNIB) to create better disk images (exact images). For this a parallel cable (Speed-DOS) is nessecary, same type used by XAP-1541 cable.

It will also support old CBM drives with IEEE-488 bus in future.

Payton Byrd

According to the presentation that was given at ECCC, the ZoomFloppy will support nibbling with a stock 1571 over the IEC bus.  The guy did a pretty thorough presentation on the awesomeness of the 1571 when running in native 1571 mode.
Payton Byrd
Flat 128 w/JD, uIEC/SD, uIEC-CF/IDE,
1541 Ultimate, 1571 w/JD, 1581 w/JD,
VDC-SVideo, Visio 19" HDTV


I'm wondering about this.

1571 burst mode is planned. But in current source files is nothing about. I will ask Nate about this.

I'm sure you have seen a parallel 1571. My parallel 1571 is very very fast. Also my parallel 1541, especially in MNIB mode.