Portland Commodore Users Group Meeting - Oct. 14 (fwd)

Started by RobertB, October 13, 2010, 04:24 PM

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------------- Original Message ---------------
Subject: PDXCUG Reminder: Portland Commodore Users Group Meeting Oct. 14
From:    "PDXCUG.org" <pdxcug(at)pdxcug.org>
Date:    Thu, October 7, 2010 12:04 pm

Happy October, PDXCUG Fans!

Just a friendly reminder that we'll be having our next meeting next week at our new location:
- Oct. 14 at 7:00 pm
- Old Town Pizza (this place is rumored to be haunted - perfect for our Oct. meeting!)
- 226 NW Davis St. (between 2nd & 3rd Ave.)
- See http://www.pdxcug.org for additional location information.

[The] meeting will be an important one - we will be discussing future activities, projects and going over some of the joystick switch issues and direction, as well as showing the completed prototype (way cool).  If your significant other is remotely interested in Commodore fun & games, feel free to bring 'em along as well.  Our group is open to all.

If you have anything you'd like to add to the agenda, now would be the time to suggest it.  Or, if you want to make a presentation, let me know so we can schedule you in.  Feel free to bring your Commodore items for Show & Tell, too - a group favorite!


Have a great weekend!
PDXCUG is Portland's Official Commodore Users Group
Serving the greater metropolitan area - Portland, OR USA
Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month
Twitter: @pdxcug