VDC fore/back -ground color

Started by MIRKOSOFT, October 26, 2010, 08:48 AM

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I have Q about programming VDC in text mode.
Is possible that will have ever character its own foreground and background color?
I mean that not only standard background (COLOR6,X), but every character has other, set by me, 'cause I have seen st. about this in VDC registers description.

Many thanks for reply.

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!



One of us is mis-reading the VDC specs.  AFAIK, there is now way to have seperated foreground/background colors in text mode. 

1 related thing I can think of is bitmap mode... there you can choose independant color of each cell or global colors.

2 related thing is you can disable attributes in text mode so all chars have same foreground color (and no reverse, flash, underline, nor alt char set).

It would be really nice if each char could have seperate fg/bg colors... this would make MS DOS software more portable and allow emulated bitmap mode for C128s with only 16K VRAM.  Let us know if you discover a method.
I'm kupo for kupo nuts!


One of the most missing features of the VDC!  :'(