Wheels 128 MakeSysDisk - Need Master Disk (or do I?)

Started by crazyegg, November 07, 2010, 08:51 AM

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Hi All,

I have decided to take the plunge once again and try to setup Wheels 128 on my RamLink. I am currently running GEOS 128.

Anyways, I downloaded several versions of WHEELS 128 on various sites (including pokefinder) and there is a problem.

In order to me to establish a WHEELS bootable partition with the RamLink, I believe I to run a program called MakeSysDisk on the Wheels disk?

However, this program will not run since it requires the Wheels MASTER disk. A Master disk is a virgin Wheels disk which has never ever been installed.

Does anyone know where I can download this Master disk?  Or conversely, do I even need MakeSysDisk?  Is it valid to just manually copy all the required WHEELS files to the RamLink DACC partition?



MakeSysDisk absolutely needs a master disk. AFAIK there are Wheels Master disks on Pokefinder, I believe they are v4.1. The biggest problem you will encounter is updating to version 4.4. I have yet to find a way to update 4.1 to 4.4. I have an update disk, but it only works to update 4.2 to 4.4.



Thanks for your reply.

I have visited pokefinder again and could not locate any Wheels 128 master disk.

I may may be overlooking something.  Can you show me where it is?

PS: I wil worry about the 4.4 upgrade issue you mentioned after I get 4.1 working ;-))



Hi redrumloa,

Thank for the link.  However, I tried this one before and it does not work.  This is not a Master disk.

According to the Wheels manual, the Master disk should only contain one file called Installer.

Does anyone have a virgin copy?
