8502CPU speed / SuperCPU speed detection

Started by MIRKOSOFT, November 13, 2010, 03:51 AM

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In my new version of C128 System Information 7.3 revision 1 is one problem with detection of speed of SCPU/8502

/8502 correct peek(53296)-251) = MHz

/65816 at 1MHz peek(53424)=65 / 20MHz peek(53424)=1 > correct

/65816 if 8502=2MHz >incorrect - always 20MHz: peek(53424)=1

Exists other address than 53424 where to check SCPU Turbo on/off?

I know this:

poke53370,0 to slow down 1mhz

poke53371,0 to speed up 20mhz

but peek is always 255

If can anybody help, please write.

Many many thanks!

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!
