Dec. 9 Meeting & Agenda (fwd)

Started by RobertB, December 09, 2010, 12:39 PM

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------------- Original Message ----------------
From:    "PDXCUG Admin" <pdxcug(at)>
Date:    Wed, December 8, 2010 11:52 am

Happy Holidays, PDXCUG Fans!

We have another SWEET meeting lined up for you - just check out this awesome agenda. Meeting
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010 @6:00 pm
More info & location:

- Gaming: Tons of games to try, featuring all your favorite arcade classics
- Presentation: Guest speaker and former Activision employee will talk to us about what it was like in
the early days of game development and the politics that went on behind the scenes.
- Demo: Rare auto-boot ROMs for your 1540/1541 - put a disk in the drive, turn on the computer and watch it auto-boot!
- Show & Tell: A variety of 3rd party disk drives to compare against the 1541
- Show & Tell: Cracker carts & fast loaders
- Show & Tell: Lots of new and interesting hardware to check out
- For fun: After the Activision presentation, we'll compare some of the games on different consoles, such as the Atari 2600, MAME, Intellivision, C64, Vic-20 and more.

Hardware that will be Available:
- Commodore 64
- VIC-20
- Atari 2600
- Intellivision
- MSD Dual Disk Drive
- Comet64 Internet Modems
- sd2iec
- MMC64 with RR-NET
- C64NIC+
- Blue Chip Floppy Drive
- Enhancer Floppy Drive
- Cardco Card Drive

What you can bring:
- Equipment that you want to share, diagnose, fix, or just show off
- Cool Commodore gear or software to show off
- Your significant other - plenty for all to do and enjoy

See you there,
- Goog

PDXCUG is Portland's Official Commodore Users Group
Serving the greater metropolitan area - Portland, OR USA
Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month
Twitter: @pdxcug