BASIC 3D Tic Tac Toe

Started by Hydrophilic, January 04, 2011, 05:33 PM

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This isn't a type-in program, it's a complete original work (which was probably inspired by some type-in program).  It is C128 BASIC program ("3d tic tac toe") with a sprite file ("xo3dttt")

One or two players.  For one player, I recommend using a joystick in port#2.  For two players, you can share the joystick or one of you can use the numeric keypad (0 acts like the fire button, other numbers as directions).

If you've never heard of this game, the idea is to get 4 marks in a row on the grid.  The marks can be horizontal, vertical, depthinal (that's not a word) or diagonal.  Player 1 has "X" marks and player 2 has "O" marks.

In one-player mode, you can choose from 4 difficulty settings.  You always go first (as X).  The screen will blank (2MHz mode) while the computer thinks of its next move.  This takes several seconds at the start of the game (when there are many empty spots to consider), but gets faster as the game progresses.  On the higher difficulty levels, you should probably spend more time than the computer planning your next move... at least I did... not that it helped, as you can see from the screen shot (the computer won).

Much more challenging than traditional (2D) tic tac toe, but a lot easier than chess.
I'm kupo for kupo nuts!