Anyone have a PET they need to offload?

Started by Escher, November 17, 2010, 05:02 AM

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Hey folks - been quite a while since I posted in here - last time was probably around '06 or 07'...

Regardless- I have been looking for a PET of some sort for quite some time.  Preferably a 4032 or 8032 model..

Anyone withing 2 hours of Flint, MI have one available?  Thanks in advance.


     We have extra PETs, but we're all the way in California.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group


Sorry for not replying until now - I thought I had notifications turned on... hmmm...

Regardless...  What machines do you have and what would you be willing to part with them for?  Assuming I'm able to pay shipping and its a reasonable amount..

From some info I found online - the Pet 2001 (chicklet) was 45 lb, and will fit in a 20X20X20 box - shipping for that is about $50.00.


Quote from: Escher on November 25, 2010, 03:28 AMWhat machines do you have and what would you be willing to part with them for?
Well, I'm in the Portland, Oregon area right now, far away from the storage house with the PETs.  There are various ones in various states of condition.  When I get back to California on Saturday, I can take a look at identifying those PETs.

          Happy Thanksgiving!
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group


Quote from: me on November 25, 2010, 03:00 PMWhen I get back to California on Saturday, I can take a look at identifying those PETs.
Because of a Saturday snowstorm in the mountains between California and Oregon, I didn't get back to California until today - Sunday evening.  There is no time now to look in storage and look through those PETs.

          You'll have to wait until I get back to
          the storage in a few weekends,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network



I'm in grand rapids.  I'll fire the up soon.  I have a 8032 and 4016 (upgraded to an 8032 iirc) in the basement.  If there both working I would sell off one of them.