CommodoreServer News (fwd)

Started by RobertB, February 06, 2011, 03:55 PM

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Subject: CommodoreServer News
From:    " Admin" <>
Date:    Sat, February 5, 2011 2:13 pm

We just wanted to let you know about some recent changes or additions that will enhance your experience with CommodoreServer and/or the Comet64 Internet Modem.

Updated V-1541
There is a new update to V-1541. You should stop using the old one and download the newest version. You can run the V-1541UPDATE program on your V-1541 disk to update the V-1541 program or download it from the following location:

There are a few enhancements as well as a minor bug fix. One of the best enhancements is the ability to login with a new symbol.  Just type the following to log in:


where USERNAME is either your email address or screen name, depending on how you have it configured in your account on  PIN is the numeric value you assigned in your account.

Use WinVICE 2.2 with CommodoreServer
VICE has really made good strides on getting their user port emulation working.  This is good news for users of CommodoreServer because it enables you to use VICE just like you were using a Comet64-enabled Commodore 64 with V-1541.  Other emulators in the series also works well, such as the Vic-20 and Commodore 128.  However, V-1541 is only compatible with the Commodore 64 at this time - new versions for other platforms will be released soon, so stay tuned.

Here's how to get VICE working as if it had a Comet64 attached to it:

CommodoreServer's Gaming Service
A new service is available on Commodore for both playing online games as well as developing new games with multi-player functionality. One game has already been released as a BETA to run it through its first paces (see next entry below). Here is a brief overview of CommodoreServer's Gaming Service:

More information on the API will become available soon so you can start creating your own online, multi-player games.

Play Group Zork
This is the first game to take advantage of CommodoreServer's Gaming Service.  It was created by Agent Friday and it is written mostly in BASIC.  It just goes to show that even BASIC can perform well enough to play multi-player games over the Internet.

This game can be played in VICE or directly from your Comet64-enabled Commodore 64.  What's really fun about this game is that you can play a game and have other people in the room watch you.  They will be able to see the commands you type as well as the responses from Zork.  Grab some friends or play solo.  Or just load it up and see if anyone else is playing.

For more information, see:

Coming Soon
- From 2400 baud to 38.4K - is it possible to reach such speeds on a C64? Agent Friday thinks so and has a promising first attempt. He's been busy with Group Zork, but will soon be working on a solution for you to have blazingly fast speed with your Comet64.

- V-1541 for other platforms - we currently have a limited version in the works for the Vic-20 and will soon release it.  A version for the Commodore 128 is not far off, either.  V-1541 on RR-NET is possible and we have a beta version of that as well, but since RR-NET's TCP/IP stack resides in Commodore's memory, it takes up a lot of space and limits the use. Another good reason to have a Comet64!

- Information about CommodoreServer's API for the Gaming Service to be posted soon, so keep watching the CommodoreServer blog.