VDC Multicolor mode????

Started by MIRKOSOFT, February 22, 2011, 12:43 PM

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I'm always very satisfied when I look at standard resolution of VDC: 640×200.
Yes, it can do higher resolution and color attributes.

But my >>>idea<<< is VDC Multicolor mode.

Everybody knows VIC multicolor mode where is resolution 160×200, 3 colors + background in 8×8 cell.

So, what about?
VDC has 16kB for Bitmap + 2kB for attributes.

I want to create and invite all who wants help VDC Multicolor mode in this scheme:

16kB for 320×200 bitmap (resolution reduced to bit pairs)
2kB for colors (colors source 1) - in TEXT mode used for characters
2kB for colors (colors source 2) - in TEXT mode used for attributes

Why two color sources?

Resolution 320×200 has really 1kB of attributes - in VIC
But VDC is 80 columns mode, so, using two colors sources have this effect:
4 totally individual colors per 8×4 cell

Yes,  it seems that 8×8 cell is in resolution 320×200 really 16×8 bits

It seems that one cell will have 8 colors. Left 4 pixels (really 8 bits) 4 colors and right 4 pixels (really 8 bits) 4 colors

bits 11 = COLOR1 from TEXT screen hi-nibble
bits 10 = COLOR2 from TEXT screen lo-nibble
bits 01 = COLOR3 from attributes hi-nibble
bits 00 = COLOR4 from attributes lo nibble

In summary:

VDC Multicolor mode possibilities:

320×200 pixels resolution, 8 colors per 8×8 pixels cell of 16 colors pallette


Thanks for every opinion, help and all,

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!



Gee, Mirkosoft...  I don't know what you are smoking, but I do wish you would share  ;D

You can make up "software" video modes all day long... but you can NOT make up "hardware" modes.  You can not make the VDC display 4 colors using bit pairs 00, 01, 10, 11.  You would have to replace the VDC with another chip.

You can emulate 256 color VDC using color dithering.  Bit 0 one of 16, bit 1 one of 16 = 16 * 16 = 256... but it is still just single bits... 0 or 1...

Maybe that is what you mean, and I just don't understand.

The nice thing about the VDC is you don't have to use 8x8 cells.  For example, you could have 8x2 cells (8 pixels wide, and 2 rasters tall).  Of course the smaller you make the cells, the more attribute memory you will to cover the entire screen.  You need 2000 bytes to cover 640x200 bitmap with standard 8x8 cells.  If you use 8x4 cells, then you need 4000 bytes of attribute memory.  With 8x2 cells, you need 8000 bytes.

Reading your post again... maybe you want 4x8 cells ?  That would require 4000 bytes of color memory for standard 640x200 bitmap... and you could have 4 colors in the 8x8 "software" cell... but still only 2 colors in each 4x8 "hardware" cell...
I'm kupo for kupo nuts!


Hi Robert!

Yes, I posted this and after I awake: really it's not possible... bits pairs can not be displayed as one pixel in VDC.

It's VIC feature...

I'm sorry...

MIRKOSOFT of megabytes

Commodore 64 was great, Commodore 128 is bigger, better, faster and more!!!
