Ray Carlsen power supplies and video cables for sale!

Started by RobertB, December 19, 2024, 10:14 AM

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    Ray Carlsen still has many of his Commodore and Amiga power supplies for sale!  These heavier-duty items are just the thing you need to keep your Commodore or Amiga working reliably for years.

    As of early November, he had parts to build 30-50 of his "barebones" power supplies and parts to build 20-40 of each of the following power supplies --

plastic version
mini metal-cased version
deluxe metal-cased version

To see all the different power supplies, go to


He can put different output connectors onto the power supplies, whether you need the round C64/VIC-20 coaxial, the squarish Plus/4 connector, the squarish C128 connector, the squarish Amiga connector, and more.  He can customize the power supply to fit your needs!  (He loves to work on custom projects.)

    Not only does he do power supplies but he also makes Commodore 8-bit computer video cables, like the composite-audio RCA plug output cable, the separated chroma/luma audio RCA plug cable, the composite-svideo audio female 1/8" output cable (for modern, external, powered speakers), and more.  Just tell him what kind of cable you need.

          Merry Christmas!
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group -
          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -