
Started by Hershey, June 05, 2006, 02:36 AM

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I am new here but not to new to the Commodore 128. I have owned one for over 20 years. Mostly played game and a little basic programing. I was a very active collecting software in the early years. Ran a bbs in the 80's and now I am running one again (telneted), Still on the commodore c128. My Main system was the C128 right up to 1999 then I got my first pc. My c128 was fine untill I got the internet in my small town. Now I do all my searching on the net for cbm stuff and now use my c128 for the bbs. I have more then one c128 setup, so I Can do both play and bbs .

Current setup (c128 systems only)

4 - c128
4 - 1571
2 - 1581
2 - 1084(s)
1 - ramlink (16meg)
1 - cmd-100 (4g)
1 - 1750 ram expansion

there are many books, mags, software, and Manuals, etc. that I have collected over the years (as I have not chucked any thing out )