C64 emulator for the Plus4

Started by Blacklord, August 09, 2009, 01:29 PM

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Stumbled across this - I'm guessing it's in a similar line to the PET emulator for the 128.

Attached is the D64 image & also a screen shot of it running in VICE.


Why do people do things like this? I collect emulators like dust bunnies so I have to have this even though I'll never need it and it's probably completely useless. At least it doesn't take up much room. :)


Quote from: jt-3d on September 27, 2009, 09:15 PM
Why do people do things like this? I collect emulators like dust bunnies so I have to have this even though I'll never need it and it's probably completely useless. At least it doesn't take up much room. :)

I wonder how far this can go - an emulator running an emulator. Should try running CBM's PET emulator under it :)


With the PETSCII block characters, you could even do a CHIP-8 interpreter on the PET emulator...

Chuckie Chuck

I might just try this on my plus/4 since I have almost no use for the plus/4 and zip software for it and the only peripheral I have is a standard 1541 or 1571 drive (which was not the drive designed for it, but it works)

Might be fun for me. :)